"[I]f we had State’s personnel and Defense’s organization, we would have the perfect government agency."
--Author and diplomat Yale Richmond, recalling what he was told by Gen. McChrystal’s father, Herbert J. McChrystal; cited in MountainRunner.us; Herbert J. McChrystal image from
Welcome to the Soviet Poster Gallery, the exhibition of the vintage Russian posters made in the USSR!
The Internet war - Editorial, Washington Post: "The Internet has produced a vast expansion of free speech and access to information around the world. But for China and Russia, it has also become a means for waging a covert war against other nations, including the United States -- a brazen effort to steal secrets and plant malware.

$250 Million to Counter Extremist Voices in Af/Pak Region – Domani Spero, DiploPundit: "This one is extracted from the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan’s Af/Pak Regional Stabilization Strategy (January 2010) released last week: The Taliban and al-Qaeda use information as a weapon, dominating the information space. While our previous strategy focused largely on traditional public diplomacy and communications tools, we are now elevating our communications efforts in importance and innovation. New programs will empower Afghans and Pakistanis to challenge the extremist narrative and offer their own vision for Afghanistan and Pakistan’s future. A sustained media and outreach strategy will set the record straight, highlight key civilian efforts, and explain our larger strategic rationale for the fight in Afghanistan, as well as our strategic support for Pakistan, to the Afghan and Pakistani peoples."
What if Gitmo isn't Shut? - Marisa L. Porges, Khaleej Times: "First and foremost, the Obama administration now has breathing room on Guantánamo closure efforts. The Jan. 22 deadline President Obama set his first day in office was a public diplomacy windfall with US allies, and represented a key piece of his strategy for improving America’s relations with the Muslim world.

'Anti-Semitism highest since WWII' - Abe Selig, Jerusalem Post: "Anti-Semitic incidents in western Europe peaked to a level not seen since the close of World War II, according to numbers released by the Jewish Agency ... . The data, which was released as part of an annual report on global anti-Semitism, was presented during a press conference at the Jewish Agency's main offices in Jerusalem, and included comments from Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky, the head of the agency's Task Force on anti-Semitism Amos Hermon, and agency spokesman Gil Litman. ...

Israel at war - Paul Woodward, War in Context: "Depending on where you stand politically, hasbara is either Israel’s public diplomacy or pro-Israeli propaganda. "
Nation Branding, um panorama: Gustavo Santos, isotipo.labs: "Resumir um projeto de Nation Branding como propaganda política é de uma superficialidade sem precedentes. E para tentar argumentar contra esse senso comum, lastreado em teorias de diversas áreas do conhecimento, resolvi desenvolver uma visão geral do assunto, sobrevoando desde suas referências históricas até os resultados e as consequências de suas aplicações nas sociedades contemporânesa.

The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society
Issue: Volume 39, Number 4 / 2009
Special Issue:
Repositioning Culture in US International Relations (access requires fee)
Introduction pp. 237 - 239 Joni Maya Cherbo and Frank Hodsoll
Issues in the Genesis and Organization of Cultural Diplomacy: A Brief Critical History pp. 240 - 259 William Glade
The Unrealized Potential of Cultural Diplomacy: “Best Practices” and What Could Be, If Only… pp. 260 - 279 Cynthia P. Schneider
Cultural Engagement In a Networked World pp. 280 - 285 Frank Hodsoll
An Initiative to Facilitate International Cultural Exchanges: The RCCE Project
pp. 285 - 289 Joni Maya Cherbo
The Crisis in U.S. Cultural Representation Abroad or Where's My Cultural Attaché?! pp. 289 - 292 Kenton W. Keith
The Impact of International Cultural Engagement: The British Council's Approach to Evaluation pp. 292 - 297 Sharon Memis
Fostering a Cultural Diplomacy Policy Dialogue: The Quest for Stewardship and Cooperative Engagement pp. 297 - 304 Damien M. Pwono
Moving Forward: A Renewed Role for American Arts and Artists in the Global Age pp. 305 - 315 John Brademas
How Hugo Chavez's revolution crumbled - Jackson Diehl, Washington Post: Haiti only deepens Chávez's hole. As the world watches, the United States is directing a massive humanitarian operation, and Haitians are literally cheering the arrival of U.S. Marines.Chávez has no way to reconcile those images with his central propaganda message to Latin Americans, which is that the United States is an "empire" and an evil force in the region. Image from
China steps up defense of Internet controls - Chris Buckley, Alex Richardson, Reuters
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