--One Office of War Information (OWI, 1942-1945) guidance on how to report a presidential speech; cited in Holly Cowan Shulman, The Voice of America: Propaganda and Democracy, 1941-1945 (1990) p. 158; image from
State Department Briefing by Phillip J. Crowley, January 14, 2010 - eNews Park Forest - "MR. CROWLEY: Good afternoon and welcome to the Department of State. To begin, we are saddened to report that Ms. Victoria DeLong, a cultural affairs officer at the U.S. Embassy Port-au-Prince, died in the collapse of her home following the earthquake in Haiti. Her next of kin have been notified. Ms. DeLong served in Haiti since February 2009 and at the State Department since November 1983. It’s a tragedy for the State Department and for our family in the public diplomacy and public affairs world. Some of you who are old-timers here – she was previously – did serve in our Bureau of Public Affairs during her career."
The Calm Before The Storm in Haiti - Galrahn, Som Post: "One topic kept popping up today among many observers: why is China kicking the State Department's ass in strategic communication in Haiti? It doesn't look good when somehow the Chinese can get a fully loaded plane into Haiti all the way from China before we can get many of our own search and rescue teams in from the US. I sat dumbfounded watching CNN this afternoon seeing a big red Chinese flag

Is al-Qaeda winning? - Marwan Bishara - Aljazeera.net (blog): "As military adventures kill, maim and destroy lives, they create, nurture and build animosities and 'alliances' among most unlikely allies, such as a young rich Nigerian that studies in London, a Jordanian doctor that studies in Turkey and an Arab-American soldier trained by the Pentagon, all whom were ready to die to hurt America. And likewise, counter terror tactics and intelligence work has made it ever more difficult for public diplomacy to 'win hearts and minds'. Instead of listening to people of the region, it has been spying on them and instead of reading them their rights, it has tortured them in far-away prisons. And instead of hearing out their concerns and fears, Washington has underlined its own above all others."
Two Officials, Two Visions of Public Diplomacy -- And The Israeli-Turkish On-Camera Dust-up - Mark Taplin, Global Publicks:

Hey, the meetings of the new BBG could be interesting - Kim Andrew Elliott Reporting on International Broadcasting: "Too bad all BBG [Boadcasting Board of Governors] meetings are closed. As my career sputters towards its conclusion, I am interested in meetings only for their entertainment value."
US-funded Pashto radio service launched in Af-Pak - Lalit K Jha, Press Trust of India: "Washington, Jan 15 (PTI) Radio Mashaal, a US Congress-funded Pashto radio service went on air in Afghanistan today in an effort to counter the propaganda machine of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. The radio to be run by Czech-based Radio free liberty is being beemed for listeners in southern, eastern and tribal areas of Afghanistan bordering Pakistan.The broadcaster said the service is being launched to provide an alternative to Islamic extremists stations in the border region with Afghanistan.The new Radio began broadcasting today in the local Pashto dialect." Below image from

RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal: duplication puts the "torch" to the taxpayers' dollars. - Kim Andrew Elliott Reporting on International Broadcasting: "I'm sure Radio Mashaal will do a good job. But it will do much the same job that VOA's Deewa Radio is already doing, in the same language, to the same target area. Put together the talent from these two stations, and US international broadcasting would be in danger of achieving excellence. This was not the idea of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Some senator put some language in some appropriations bill, and Radio Mashaal was created. Such shards of bad legislation have made US international broadcasting the archetype of organizational inefficiency."
Rekindled - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "I wandered over to the centro cultural and looked at old photos of Managua. It struck me that the litany of capitals (D.F., Guate, San Salv, Teguc and Managua) I have visited on the great trek south all have 'Calle Roosevelt.' It is a tribute to Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy and a stirring reminder to the power of public diplomacy done well."
Check Out the Consortium for Strategic Communication – On War and Words: "The Consortium for Strategic Communication (CSC) describes itself as follows: 'an initiative of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. It is composed of an interdisciplinary group of scholars at ASU and partner institutions who are interested in applying knowledge of human communication to issues of countering ideological support for terrorism (CIST), diplomacy and public diplomacy.' Dr. Steven Corman

South Korea: Update on a country taking nation taking nation branding seriously - Andreas Markessinis, Nation Branding: "South Korea launched in January 2009 an ambitious nation branding programme. Throughout the year, South Korea’s nation branding has been very active following its 10-points action plan, which sets the 10 goals South Korea’s presidential nation branding council adopted to upgrade the nation’s global image.

Guerrilla Diplomacy Panel Discussion with Daryl Copeland 1:00-2:30pm – Munk Centre for International Studies – Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies – Guerilla Diplomacy: "Mr. Copeland serves as a peer reviewer for Canadian Foreign Policy, the International Journal, and The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. From 1981 to 2009 Mr. Copeland served as a Canadian diplomat with postings in Thailand, Ethiopia, New Zealand and Malaysia."
A Mysterious Assassination Benefits Iran's Propaganda Machine - James Phillips, Heritage.org (blog): Iran’s state-controlled media have launched a full-blown propaganda campaign claiming that the United States and Israel are responsible for the murder of an Iranian scientist. Iran’s Foreign Ministry charged that the bomb plot that killed Dr. Massoud Ali-Mohammadi in Tehran on Tuesday “revealed signs of the involvement of the Zionist regime, the U.S. and their allies in Iran.” By portraying Ali-Mohammadi as a nuclear scientist and former member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who was “martyred,” the regime claims that his killers are counter-revolutionary forces backed by foreign powers and implies that his murder is part of a western plot to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. This conveniently sets the stage for an even harsher crackdown on Iran’s opposition movement.
Islamic Republic enjoys high level stability despite Western propaganda: MP - Xinhua:

SC report / 'Israel is losing the media war to Al Jazeera' - Jack Khoury, Ha'aretz - The state has been complicit in a "prolonged national failure" to communicate its positions to its Arab citizens, State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss said in his report. The shortcomings were particularly obvious during operation Cast Lead, and allowed "the continuous propaganda" by Qatar-based media outlet Al Jazeera to fill the void, said Lindenstrauss.
Hamas Cartoons: War Propaganda For Kids - Rudi Stettner, RantRave
N. Korea Demands Action Over Propaganda Leaflets - The Chosun Ilbo: North Korea on Wednesday called on the South to punish activists who masterminded the floating of propaganda leaflets across the border.
Old Propaganda Hand Becomes N. Korean Culture Minister - The Chosun Ilbo: The North Korean Supreme People's Assembly appointed An Dong-chun, the chairman of the Stalinist country's authors' association, as new culture minister, the official [North] Korean Central News Agency reported Thursday.

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