Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Outcomes of Boris Johnson's trip to Tehran

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The experience of years and decades has shown that one of the British tricks in face of crisis in its foreign policy, is to lead the game from formal and public diplomacy to "hidden diplomacy."

The British authorities have been trying to prevent the concentration of public opinion on their Achilles' heels and weaknesses in the field of foreign policy by changing the game and leading it towards the field of hidden diplomacy. Therefore, the diplomatic and foreign policy system of our country should in no way allow the British authorities to implement this policy. Boris Johnson and other English officials know well that if the game is drawn to public diplomacy, they can't defend themselves against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ultimately, Johnson has no choice but to admit to his country's defeat in the region and to admit to the mistakes his government has made with respect to Iran. Obviously, any pressure from the British authorities to maintain the status quo and put pressure on Iran to threaten our country will double the cost of London's defeat against Tehran.

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