Advice to a Young Diplomat
Assigned to Serve in the USA
A Former Chief of Mission of Country “X” in Washington
1. Immerse yourself, as soon as you arrive, in day-time American TV. If you’re pressed for time, and cannot watch soap operas, focus on Tyra; Jerry Springer TV; Judge Judy on FOX; and Oprah for mental stimulation. These programs, media wonders that they are (and they are so professionally produced!), are the America-is-all-that-exists miracle-drug that spares so-called ordinary Americans from imagining that they are not the only people on earth. The basic premise of these shows is “Let’s talk about something interesting -- let’s talk about me, me, me, my personal and weight problems.” (True, Oprah is popular outside the United States, including in traditional societies like Saudi Arabia; this does suggest the me-and-my-problems syndrome is not unique to American soil, although in the United States it has become a national infatuation).
2. Forget major dailies; remember the person Americans elected twice for president, George W. Bush, proclaimed he didn’t read newspapers. Don’t waste your time establishing contact with universities or think-tanks. These establishments, no matter what their political leanings, are essentially American intellectual GULAGs separated from the Tee-Vee constructed hyper-reality of American life. With websites far less popular than those devoted to pornography or entertainment, these egghead refuges (similar to those for nearly-extinct wildlife, if you think the GULAG metaphor is in bad taste) exist mostly to keep critical thought and the American biosphere separate, so as not to threaten the status quo created by the mass media in the service of the lobbies that sponsor these establishments’ existence. (You can, however, get one of the best lunch sandwiches in Washington at the American Enterprise Institute, so do go there to spare our Embassy cafeteria expenses).
3. Study the DVD, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,” so you’ll be prepared on how Americans will view you as a foreigner. In the USA, always remember, no matter how friendly and welcoming eternally smiling Americans may appear to be on the surface (only TSA personnel at airports make no pretence of civility), you are considered essentially someone from another planet, an alien (the designation says it all), a "Borat,” even if where you come from is somewhat familiar (or you think it is) to Americans. By the way, if a country -- let us hope it is not ours, unless we get massive amounts of aid after we are "shocked and awed" -- is at war with the U.S., by all means don’t expect US citizens to know its location on a map, despite the famous words of the 19th century writer Ambrose Bierce, “War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.” Worthy of note here is the observation of an Austrian diplomat known to our Embassy, who once said that he was grateful for the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California because at last Americans were no longer confusing Austria with Australia.
4. Don't speak standard English. As for the language spoken in America, the tongue formerly known as English, you should know that in the U.S. among the young it has been transformed into a series of meaningless, unrelated utterances such as “like,” “you know,” “whatever,” prevalent among cell phones users with nasal screeches that can crack windows. When you address Americans of any age, be sure not, repeat not, to speak "grammatically," as this may sound "elitist," i.e. foreign and suspicious. As for the verbal constructions employed by adult native US speakers in your meetings with them, their words (it is unlikely that they will use complete sentences) will be parrot-like repetitions of "talking points," “strategic communication,” advertising slogans, Bill O’Reilly talk shows, and George W. Bush press conferences.
5. Never, never speak a foreign language. The United States is a land of immigrants -- indeed, that is the key to America's global success -- with varying linguistic backgrounds. But in part because so many Americans are abandoning speech as a form of public discourse (much preferring media-produced images and sound bites, just as they chose junk food over real food; see below no. 6), they -- including those Americans who are the children of immigrants -- feel extremely uncomfortable with foreigners who actually engage in any kind of conversation that is not in their version of "English." Only one percent of US college undergraduates go overseas to study; while these students, no doubt, believe that their experiences abroad have expanded their horizons, don’t be surprised if many of them, despite their academic veneer, basically agree with the well-known statement to the effect that, “English: if it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.” So be ready, during your stay in the U.S., to assume that your native language is a figment of your imagination, even if your colleagues at our Embassy may entice you speak it.
6. Drive, drive, drive: In America, never use public transportation, so contrary to the car cult in the United States. Get on the pot-holed, litter-filled superhighways as often as you can, drive for miles and miles to nowhere, using gasoline to the maximum, and, from your car window, observe as you speed along how Americans and their families live their lives inside their vehicles, drinking sugar-soaked sodas (with ice so that they don't have to taste them), munching junk snacks made out of God-knows-what, listening to ear-busting pop-"music" or looking at mindless videos, ignoring one another while "communicating" with non-present others via cell phones, all the while sitting, immobile, with safety-belts around them, like straight-jacketed patients in an insane asylum. Often stop at filthy, third-world rest-stops and gas stations, taking careful note of how Americans react to rising gasoline prices; this is valuable information for our Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the state of public opinion in the United States -- and how on oil may determine the presidential election (see below, no. 10).

P.S. Join a online social network. In this way you can have contact with Americans without having to put up with them in person.
Sounds like the classic elitist view of people who live inside the Beltway and seldom venture beyond.
My public diplomacy work has taken me all over the United States and I'm grateful for it. I've met fascinating worldly people all over this country. Sadly, it's in Washington that the view of Americans as fat, dumb, ignorant, and provincial prevails. Too many foreign nationals, diplomats and not, parrot this attitude because they only venture beyond DC to hit beaches or visit New York.
I was in North Dakota a few years ago where I overhead people in a coffee shop discussing Sunni and Shi'a Islam. The local state university offered a course in Dutch history. It has a program with Johns Hopkins SAIS that made it possible for a large group of its students to go to China. The kids were reasonably up on world affairs.
I for one am sick death of hearing this sort of garbage.
I would also add that the rest of the world's citizens are hardly more "sophisticated".
One other comment that I forgot to mention.
The fact that the "diplomat" makes so much of daytime television is itself suspect. Daytime TV is geared towards the unemployed, stay-at-home moms, and night shift workers. Most Americans are at work during the day and unable to watch daytime TV.
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