--a computer application that blocks your Internet access for up to eight hours at a stretch; image from
"Some amount of message control is necessary and inevitable in any war effort, but in accepting this we must be careful not to spin ourselves."
--Brookings Institution scholars Jason Campbell, Michael E. O'Hanlon and Jeremy Shapiro, mapping out the key indicators for a counterinsurgency war in the latest issue of Policy Review.
Lessons from Kerry-Lugar Discourse - Javed Malik, Khaleej Times: "The recent debate over the Kerry-Lugar Bill has once again brought the complexities of Pakistan’s relationship with the United States under the microscope. While it may have thrown up some challenges, it also presents an opportunity to US policy makers to do some soul searching and review some of their strategies. ...

US State Department War Report on Sri Lanka full of slanders, insinuations ambiguous information and diplomatic terrorism - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune: "Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale was ... knowledgeable of how U.S. overseas posts function when she declared in September 'We cannot sit behind embassy walls and speak only to the people who agree with us. We have to engage, even when we disagree with others. We have to communicate-two-way communication, not one-way messaging-through both government-to-people dialogue and people-to-people dialogue.'”
The Creepy and Crappy Afghanistan War Lies Obama's People are telling - cliftonchadwick.wordpress.com:

Terry Anzur Coaching Blog: Public Diplomacy - Terry, Terry Anzur Coaching Blog: "Public Diplomacy. The main point of my visit is trying to enlist a Maldivian partner organization for a Fulbright specialist grant from the US State Department. But it's also a chance to catch up with some of the outstanding professionals I met at TV Maldives on the last two trips."
Air Rescue – Adam LeBor, Monocle: "Twenty years ago, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was a busy place as the Iron Curtain was pulled back. Today, its signals are still focused on Russia as well as Iran and Afghanistan." Via
Message to RFE via pigeon? Or just pigeon droppings? - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "In 1954, a carrier pigeon named Lena was participating in a race between two German towns. While flying from Nuremberg to her home loft in a West German village, Lena got lost and ended up landing in the town of Pilsen in communist Czechoslovakia, where she was discovered by a Czech pigeon enthusiast.

Brand Encounters: Anholt’s Secret - On Simon Anholt’s Nation Branding Masterclass in Singapore, 20 October, 2009 - kundflorianresearch.blogspot.com
Continued intransigence of Somali extremists - Walta Information Center - "Foreign Policy and Public Diplomacy[:] Two weeks ago, looking at foreign policy challenges in the coming year, we emphasized that one of the difficulties facing Ethiopia (and indeed other countries in the region and in Africa) is one of perception, of how we are perceived by others and of how such views are reached. Together this makes up a central element of public diplomacy. In part, of course, the results may be a reflection of our own failures to inform others sufficiently clearly of the aims and objectives of our policy and of our diplomacy, and, equally, important, of our impressive achievements in the democratization of society and in economic and social development which together have completely changed the trajectory of development in Ethiopia.

Where is Arunachal? Google's contribution to global politics - Dev, viewmynewz.wordpress.com: "However while New Delhi and Beijing are indulging in their little trysts of Public Diplomacy, Google has been practising a different brand of 'PD' in this whole controversy. In August this year they got into heavy controversy when Google India maps showed parts of Arunachal Pradesh in Chinese language and parts of Arunachal’s southern boundary with Assam and northern boundary with China in broken lines, while the state’s eastern and western boundaries with Bhutan and Myanmar were shown in continuous white lines. Following the uproar from the media over this, Google India made a public apology and clarified its position, but that was 2 months ago. Things have changed from then. In what I can only describe as a desperate bid to keep everyone happy, Google is showing different maps to Indians and Chinese."
Citizenship ceremonies: A Brit of a do - Times Online: "[An] anglophile was Colleen Graffy, a lawyer, academic and former deputy assistant secretary of state for public diplomacy at the US State Department. She had been living in the UK for about 15 years when, in 2003 ... , she decided that she wanted to vote in the country in which she lived, so she applied for citizenship. ... I meet Graffy

Useful Resources - share2shine: “Jeff Gardner and friends periodically comment on a range of issues including the American press and its relationship with American politics, public diplomacy, international affairs and the absurdities that come to us in the press."
Two-Day Event Highlights the Future of Storytelling Across a Wide Array of Screens - shootonline.com: "AFI PROJECT: 20/20 is an American Film Institute international initiative designed to enhance cultural exchange, understanding and collaboration through filmmakers and their films from the US and abroad.

A banana republic police HQ maybe, but not a home for the Elgin marbles – Simon Jenkins, guardian.co.uk: "To me, architectural sculpture belongs on the building to which it was once attached. If it cannot be re-attached then it belongs in its climate, culture and context. The restitution of the marbles to Greece was thus always a noble goal of cultural diplomacy. Whenever I visited Athens, I came away ashamed at Britain's insistence that it would never return them, but this was coupled with sadness that the polluted, un-conserved and undistinguished city of Athens seemed determined to undermine its case."
Five little Australians make diplomacy an open book - Michael Sainsbury, The Australian: "As diplomatic tensions between Australia and China recede, serendipitously timed 'soft' or cultural diplomacy is also easing the heat. This has been headlined with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's triumphant China debut in Beijing on Sunday night, the start of a five-city tour.

KSC Centennial Symposium: From Local to Global - Keene State College: "Tina Mai Chen will present 'Film as Friendship: China's Cultural Diplomacy in the Cold War' on Thursday, November 5, at 7 p.m. (Mabel Brown Room, Student Center). Tina Mai Chen is associate professor of history and co-coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Circle on Globalization and Cosmopolitanism at the University of Manitoba."
Sant to address Berlin conference - Times of Malta: "Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant has been listed among the speakers at a conference in Germany to mark the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Where Is U.S. Foreign Policy Headed?- Amy Chua, New York Times: A recent outpouring of foreign policy books and essays attempts to forecast and shape the next big movement.

Eyes on the Prize - Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: We cannot let Afghanistan distract U.S. diplomats from Iraq. Remember: Transform Iraq and it will impact the whole Arab-Muslim world. Change Afghanistan and you just change Afghanistan.
Lies, damn lies and counterinsurgency benchmarks - Carlos Lozada, Washington Post: So, how do we measure success in Afghanistan? If Obama opts for a narrow counterterrorism approach, the ultimate benchmark is simple: no terrorist attacks against the American homeland. But if he goes with the full McChrystal -- a long-term, fully resourced counterinsurgency, with lots of new troops -- the indicators of success become murkier.
Not another alibi - Oliver North, Washington Times:

Firmness and no wobbling- Marco Vicenzino, Washington Times: More than ever, President Obama must take a clear and determined stand on Afghanistan. The president must present a vision that promotes and sustains the mission's unity and continuity of purpose.
New German Book to Uncover Western Propaganda about Iran - FNA, Tehran: A new book, written by German journalist Ruediger Elsaesser, is to expose western propaganda lies about Iran. Titled "Iran- Facts Against Western Propaganda", the 105-page book is to be unveiled by Elsaesser in Berlin on Tuesday, the Islamic republic news agency reported.
writing Advice: Jack McDevitt 5: Driving the Narrative, or "Lost in the B Plot" - Guystewart/Discoverchurch, Possibly Irritating Essays: “Comparing my published work: 'Mystery on Space Station Courage', 'Pig Tales', 'Dear Hunter' and the others, I see now that when I wrote them, I had a 'message' -- there was a purpose.

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