--British actor Richard Harris; image: Hellraisers to the end: Richard Harris with Peter O'Toole
Ann Stock nominated as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs - Mark Overmann, Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange: “President Obama announced Friday his intent to nominate Ann Stock as the Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State. Stock’s nomination appears on the Senate record, and was also reported by the Chicago Sun-Times and by the Washington Post’s Reliable Source. The Sun-Times posted a White House press release from last Friday (not yet available on the White House website), which includes Stock’s biography:

Talking Cultural Relations with foreign policy thinkers in Washington – Andrew Kneal, British Council Voices: “The foreign policy elites who deconstruct the ebb and flow of geopolitics on ‘the hill’, within the halls of power-house think-tanks, and amongst the prolific blogs which shape public opinion, talk more often of ‘Smart Power’ and the merits of strategic communications, and do not necessarily recognize the critical role of Cultural Relations. Increasingly however, I think this is more a function of language, rather than disagreement about the nature or importance of intercultural engagement.

A top watchdog on foreign affairs - Washington Post: “Jacquelyn Williams-Bridgers, managing director, international affairs and trade, Government Accountability Office Best known for:

Philip Seib Speaks About Diplomacy - USC News: "Philip Seib, professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and director of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, spoke on a panel about 'Winning Hearts and Minds: American Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century' at Johns Hopkins University on Nov. 16.

Russian American Rule of Law Consortium: Maine Delegation to Arkhangelsk Oblast Assembly of Deputies (Duma) 21 June 2006—5 July 2006: Report of the Secretary of State, State of Maine - Maine.gov: “Delegation members were Matt Dunlap, Maine Secretary of State; State Representative John Brautigam (D-Falmouth), member of the Joint Standing Committees on Insurance and Financial Services and Utilities and Energy and a member of the House Standing Committee on Ethics;

Canada and the World – Daryl Copeland, Guerilla Diplomacy: “[P]ublic diplomacy, or PD, as a technique for delivering international policy results through dialogue, plays directly to Canada’s soft power strengths (image, reputation, brand).

House of Lords debate on BBC includes discussion of BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
China’s involvement in Fiji and Australia and New Zealand’s position - Phillipa Brant, East Asia Forum: “Only five years ago China’s involvement in Fiji and the South Pacific region barely registered in Australian policymaking and media circles. In the five years leading up to 2009 China’s bilateral trade and investment with Fiji has significantly increased; it has announced an aid package worth $135m in concessional loans; and it has increased its support to the key regional organisations, tripling its funding to the Pacific Islands Forum. Australia’s aid budget to Fiji was $27m for 2008-09. ... Australia’s tit-for-tat

Video: Israeli Tech 'Geeks' at'140-Character' Conference - Yoni Kempinski, Arutz Sheva: “Israel National News visited The 140 Characters Conference (‘#140conf’), which took place on Sunday at the Afeka College of Engineering in Tel Aviv, and spoke with the event's organizer and founder Jeff Pulver. ... Since the launch of the #140conf events,

Romania's Ambassador to Baku to present nato's vision on current security model - Roumanie.com: “On Jan. 1, 2009, Romania took over the mandate of NATO Contact Point Embassy (CPE) in Azerbaijan on the period 2009-2010. NATO contact point embassies in the partner states have an important role in the relation between the Alliance and the respective state. This includes support in the running of NATO activities, especially those in the public diplomacy field, locally, as well as the necessary approaches in order to secure a communication channel for the NATO policies in the partner state.”
Tsai soars, but image needs a tweak - Editorial, Taipei Times: “Following the gains the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) made in the local government elections on Saturday, the popularity of DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has increased alongside the power she wields within the party. ... Tsai has reached a point where people are more likely to listen to her.
Tsai soars, but image needs a tweak - Editorial, Taipei Times: “Following the gains the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) made in the local government elections on Saturday, the popularity of DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has increased alongside the power she wields within the party. ... Tsai has reached a point where people are more likely to listen to her.

Knight Center Foreign Policy Seminar Part I - Uncle Jimbo, Blackfive: “I attended a Foreign Policy seminar as Fellows of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism at the University of Maryland. ... [W]e went on a morning trip to the State Department and had a chance to question Ian Kelly, a State spokesman on Smart Power. He was somewhat responsive, but all in all fairly typical of someone in his role; he volunteered little that wasn't common knowledge. Then we had a rep from the Public Diplomacy group who was woefully non-communicative. ... All in all the State Department was a waste of time.”
JOTW 49-2009 – Ned’s Job of the Week: A World in Communication: “36.) PRT Public Diplomacy Officer, Afghanistan Support Organization (ASO), Department of State, Washington DC Metro Area, DC/TDY to Afghanistan”
Obama zeroes in on jobs, healthcare, Afghanistan: After taking office with a raft of priorities, he's realized he needs to focus on a few key issues at a time - Doyle McManus, latimes.com:

Obama, the anti-Churchill? - Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post: Obama is searching for a post-imperial policy in the midst of an imperial crisis. The qualified surge -- send in troops to regain the momentum but then draw down -- is his answer to this dilemma. By the end of 2011, the United States will have spent 10 years, thousands of lives and $2 trillion trying to create stable, democratic governments in Iraq and Afghanistan, two of the most difficult, divided countries in the world. It will be time to move on.
In Afghan troop surge, shades of Iraq - Fred Hiatt, Washington Post:

When Islamist foreign policies hurt Muslims: Turkey's government and leader bash the West for transgressions while absolving anti-Western regimes of their sins. This hurts ordinary Muslims from Darfur to Chechnya to Iran - Soner Cagaptay, latimes.com: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to meet today with President Obama in Washington. This is a chance for Obama, who visited Ankara in April in a charm offensive to win Turkish hearts, to have a discussion with Erdogan about Turkey's ill-conceived foreign policy, which is bad for the West and for Muslims.
Beyond Copenhagen – Editorial, New York Times: Nobody should expect a planet-saving agreement from the negotiations that begin this week in Copenhagen aimed at reducing global emissions of greenhouse gases. But the talks were in real danger of blowing up not long ago. Now there is a good chance for at least an interim deal, mainly because the United States and China, the world’s two biggest emitters, have promised to reduce or slow their emissions and their two leaders have agreed to attend. Below image from

US propaganda film: about Lebanon in 1958 - As'ad, Angry Arab News Service: This is an amusing US propaganda film about the 1958 mini-civil war in Lebanon, and US intervention.
"This country has too many parties without people and too many people without a party."

--A participant in an anti-Berlusconi demonstration in Rome; image from
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