"inevitably Public Diplomacy"
--Blogger/author Peter Van Buren, regarding the State Department career "cone" of a Foreign Service officer having provided sex tapes featuring Brett McGurk [see - JB], who failed to be appointed U.S. Ambassador to Iraq; due, Van Buren notes, to McGurk's "overall incompetence and sexual dalliance"; see also, in a distantly related article, John Brown, "Public Diplomacy Goes ‘Pubic’," CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy (2007); image from
Acclaimed Actress, Cellist Launch Global Performance Laboratory - georgetown.edu: "Anna Deavere Smith and cellist Joshua Roman will launch Georgetown’s new interdisciplinary Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics, with a performance and campus residency March 12-18. Smith, a television, theater and film star who has appeared in Nurse Jackie, The West Wing, Let Me Down Easy and Rachel Getting Married, will begin her residency with a March 12 symposium involving her work-in-progress, On Grace.
The symposium, 'On Stage With ‘On Grace’: Religion, Redemption and Politics,' features panelists talking about grace as it is understood by different faiths and how it operates – or doesn’t – in politics." Image from entry, with caption: Television, theater and film actress Anna Deavere Smith will begin her residency with a March 12 symposium involving her work-in-progress, On Grace, and end with a stage reading on March 18. Via CS
Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy - okgazette.com: "Saturday May 11 Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art March 2 – June 9 Nancy Johnston Records Gallery, Ellen and Richard L. Sandor Gallery In 1946, the U.S. State Department assembled an exhibition of modernist paintings created by contemporary American artists. The intent was to show the world
Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy is organized by the Jule Collins Smith Museum at Auburn University, the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma and was made possible by grants from the Henry Luce Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts as part of American Masterpieces: Three Centuries of Artistic Genius." See also John Brown, "Arts Diplomacy: The Neglected Aspect of Cultural Diplomacy," in William P. Kiehl, ed., America's Dialogue with the World, pp. 76-78. Image from exhibit from
Stephen Colbert Has a Propaganda Fever Dream for North Korea - Esther Zuckerman, theatlanticwire.com: "Stephen Colbert declared last night that North Korea's bizarre propaganda video showing a man dreaming about the destruction of New York to the tune of 'We Are the World' proves that 'we are not only in an arms race, we are in a dreams race.' So naturally, what with Pyongyang's recent threats and all, Colbert retaliated with a dream of his own." Image from entry
North Korean Propaganda Video Shows Americans Living in Poverty (VIDEO) - latinospost.com: "The North Korean propaganda ministry has released another anti-American video that surfaced this weekend on YouTube. Typically the videos commonly produced by the Hermit Kingdom show images of impending boom and nuclear armageddon raining down on the United States and its alleys. But this latest four-in-a-half minute long video, entitled 'How Americans Live Today', depicts the land of plenty as a backward state that has nothing to offer its people besides coffee made of snow."
DigitalLunch: History, Storytelling or Propaganda? - Mick Fealty, sluggerotoole.com: "From the Tudors who stand accused of being the first great propagandists of history, to the present day History remains a contentious arena for human ideas."
Karzai's Rant - Paul R. Pillar, The National Interest: "Several explanations can account for Afghan President Hamid Karzai's outburst this week, in which he accused the United States of in effect working in parallel with the Taliban by keeping Afghanistan unstable and thereby having an excuse to keeping U.S. troops there indefinitely. ... It would be easy to blow this off as just Afghan politics. It also would be easy to brush aside the illogical aspects of Karzai's remarks. ... The episode illustrates the near-inevitability of significant friction and resentment among the locals from
prolonged military operations, no matter how well those operations may have been received earlier (as indeed the intervention in Afghanistan was received earlier by many Afghans). It also illustrates how easily the motives behind such operations get misunderstood, in ways that no amount of public diplomacy or public statements can correct." Image from
AIPAC makes its voice heard in Washington - Shmuel Rosner, jewishjournal.com: "It was a surprisingly sunny day Tuesday, ahead of an expected snowstorm, when the 12,000 or so AIPAC delegates concluded the three-day annual 'policy conference' in Washington this week, ready to move on to Capitol Hill to lobby their representatives. ... In the delicate dance of Israeli and U.S. officials around the Iranian issue, there were two main messages: The Israelis asking for 'credible threat' — while hinting that the current threat might not be credible enough to make Iran cave. The Americans are asking for trust — the president, Vice President Joe Biden told the group, 'is not bluffing.' ... Obama is going to Israel to have 'nice pictures,' and so that he’ll be able to say that he was there, Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman of California told me. He expects that the president will make speeches in which he will highlight the 'pro-Israel positions' we’ve heard from him in the past. Biden told the delegates that Obama is looking forward to meeting with young Israelis. He also expects a visit heavy on public diplomacy and lighter on policy. To what end does the president want to meet with young Israelis, to what end does he want to amend his relations with the “people”? Now that’s an interesting question to think about."
【China AIDS:7677】 Fwd: RFP: U.S. Department of State East Asian and Pacific Affairs/Public Diplomacy (EAP/PD) 2013 Spring Small Grants Program - AIBO_China AIDS Museusm Activities: "All, I'd like to draw your attention to the request for proposals that just has come out for the U.S. Department of State East Asian and Pacific Affairs/Public Diplomacy (EAP/PD) 2013 Spring Small Grants Program that is managed by our Public Affairs Section. I've copied the announcement below, but it is also available on the U.S. Embassy public website: http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/2013-spring-small-grants-program.html (English) andhttp://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/2013-spring-small-grants-program.html (Chinese). Feel free to forward this announcement or the link to any local NGOs. The U.S. Embassy is now accepting proposals for the spring 2013 EAP/PD Small Grants Program. This competitive program offers grants of up to U.S. $20,000 to local Chinese non-governmental organizations for one-year projects. Proposals must support program activities that promote Multilateral Engagement; Human Rights/Democracy/Good governance/Rule of Law; Education; Culture/Sports/American Society and Economic Issues. For eligibility and general guidelines see the attached application form. Interested organizations should complete the attached application form and send it to BeijingCulturalGrants@state.gov no later thanclose of business (1700 Beijing Time) on March 21, 2013. All Proposals must be submitted in English. Best, Margreet Margreet Turley 安美珊 ∙ Political Section ∙ U.S. Embassy Beijing"
"I try to ignore the trolls" - kommersant.ru: "U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul is considered one of the pioneers of the 'digital diplomacy.' In an interview with ... Elena Chernenko, he admitted that a year ago, did not know about Twitter and are still experiencing difficulties in working with this tool. ... [McFaul:] Usually, I go to Facebook and Twitter, after my kids went to bed. As a rule, at ten o'clock or later. On average, I spend on social networks about two hours. The fact that I use twitter mostly out of the house, there are pros: my online diplomacy takes time at offline diplomacy. I try to discipline myself not want to sit all day in the office and read what is written in social networks, or simply will not have time to meet people, and it would be a mistake. With this work, I would have in Washington right (laughs)."
Department of State Public Schedule Monday, March 11 - posted at rockycoastnews.blogspot.com: "UNDER SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS TARA SONENSHINE
11:15 a.m. Under Secretary Sonenshine meets with U.S. Ambassador to Nepal Peter Bodde, at the Department of State." Image from entry
Hillary Clinton’s global journey: How far will it take her? - Abby Borovitz, msnbc.com: "Kim Ghattas ... traveled with Hillary Clinton as the BBC’s State Department Correspondent and is the author of the book 'The Secretary: A Journey with Hillary Clinton from Beirut to the Heart of American Power.' As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton traveled over 950,000 miles to 112 countries. Hillary’s geopolitical legacy is unclear, Ghattas said, but 'her relentless public diplomacy did manage to connect with people around the world, on some level, that we hadn’t seen before.'”
Public Diplomacy and "Popular Diplomacy" - Philip Seib, Huffington Post: "As public diplomacy becomes more central in the foreign policy of the United States and other nations, the importance of education about international affairs should be recognized."
Congressman Calls for Propaganda Broadcasts in Venezuela: A fair election must include balance of media, says Ed Royce - usnews.com: "Propaganda broadcasts into
Controversy notwithstanding, Radio Liberty celebrates its 60th anniversary - Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting
Shocker: GAO finds duplication in US international broadcasting (updated) - Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting: [Elliott comment:] "A quick look at the websites of its entities shows that duplication is pervasive in US international broadcasting. Since 1989, I've been writing about, and seeking to eliminate, this duplication. ... The 'differences in programming' are 'important' only in the eyes of bureaucrats. If the audience is a factor in this equation, the audience it wants credible news about its own countries, about the world, and about the United States, in proportions that vary by target country. That proportion can be achieved only by one station, not by multiple stations. If US international broadcasting wants to improve its performance, it has no choice other than to reduce its budget."
Radio Liberty faces Die Hard moment - Elena Rykovtseva, Novaya Gazeta: "As Radio Liberty celebrates 60 years on the air, a group of its former correspondents are fighting for their jobs - and, they believe, the life of the station. ... In my mind, Radio Liberty is like the hero of a Hollywood action franchise: By any reasonable laws of the universe, this hero
should have died long ago, but by the laws of his genre, he not only continues to live, but also defeats all his enemies." Image from article, with caption: Drawing by Alexei Yorsh. Via TL on Facebook
UNT to present Middle East Peace Conference - news.unt.edu: "The Middle East Peace Conference at the University of North Texas, 'The Middle East: A New Era?,' will focus on the economic, political, social and education transformations in Middle Eastern nations after the Arab Spring. The conference will take place March 22 and 23 . ... The dinner on March 22 (Friday) will feature Meir Shlomo, consul general of Israel to the Southwest . ... Shlomo’s topic is 'The Middle East Road Map.' He became the consul general of
Shlomo has more than 29 years of experience in
Israel's Ongoing Public Diplomacy Fiasco - David Isaac, Doc's talk: "Martin Sherman, executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, also writes in The Jerusalem Post on Feb. 14: 'Israel's greatest strategic challenge, its gravest strategic failure, its grimmest strategic danger is the (mis)conduct of its public diplomacy.' Such complaints are nothing new.
Decades ago, Shmuel Katz, who thought of himself primarily as an 'information man,' returned repeatedly to this subject, as readers of this blog well know. He called for a response against the assault on Israel's legitimacy, what Shmuel described as the 'many-faceted campaign of denigration throughout the world, openly aiming at the demonization of Israel as a state and of the Jews as a nation.'" Image from entry
Israelis tour Canada ahead of 'Apartheid Week' - Sam Sokol, Jerusalem Post: "A delegation of university students, comprised of members of the Jewish, Arab and Druse communities, has just returned to Israel after a week-long outreach tour of Canadian universities, timed to conclude just before the start of Israel Apartheid Week on North American campuses.
The trip, organized by WordSwap, a nonpartisan public diplomacy project run by Orit Tepper and former Jerusalem Post staffer Talia Dekel, brought the students specifically to Canada because, Dekel noted, it is a 'country [that] although known on a political level for its unabashed support of Israel, is home to a network of BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) activists and is the birthplace of so-called ‘Israel Apartheid Week.’” Image from article, with caption: A group of Israeli students pose for a photo at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada
Coalition to be sworn in this week - Lahav Kharkov, Jerusalem Post: "Trade and Labor would be the most senior portfolio left for Bayit Yehudi chairman Naftali Bennett. A senior Bayit Yehudi source said Bennett was likely to take the ministry, but with an 'expansion.' One possibility is to add responsibility for the Public Diplomacy Ministry."
Rivlin may drop out of Knesset speaker race - Lahav Kharkov, Jerusalem Post: "The knives
have come out in the Likud, with MKs ranking high on the party list expressing disappointment Sunday at not receiving ministerial positions, and MK Reuven Rivlin plans to drop out of the race for Knesset Speaker. ... Public Diplomacy Minister Yuli Edelstein has been campaigning to take Rivlin's place for several months, and expressed confidence Sunday that he has a majority in the faction and would win even if Rivlin stays in the race. Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman supports Edelstein." Image from
Can Cyprus solve the Turkey-EU deadlock? - Hurriyet Daily News: "[T]he 'with or without you' kind of relationship between the European Union and Turkey is ... complicated . ... The foreign policy dimension of that complex relationship with a strong
China 'must consolidate its relations with Russia', says political adviser - Teddy Ng, South China Morning Post: "China should consolidate its ties with Russia and Central Asian countries amid simmering territorial disputes with its eastern and southern neighbours, a political adviser says. Xi Jinping, who will become president next week, will make his first visit as head of state to Russia this month. ... Yu Hongjun, deputy director of the
Communist Party's international department, said some of China's efforts to improve ties with other countries had been damaged by poor public diplomacy. One example he gave was songs praising the former Soviet Union being sung at cultural performances in Central Asian countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 'The positive results gained by the visits of our leaders are sometimes damaged,' he said." Image from
Falklands Referendum Signals Intensification off Argentine-Uk Diplomatic Struggle (IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis) [scroll down link for item] - Laurence Allan, argentinasalvajizada.wordpress.com: "According to reports in Argentine media sources today (7 March), the imminent referendum in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands has sparked an intense burst of activity amongst Argentine diplomats seeking to counter the impact of the referendum. That activity is a response to the probable outcome of the plebiscite to determine the islands’ status on 10 and 11 March, which is expected to overwhelmingly back the Islands’ current status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. The referendum will ask only one question: “Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an overseas territory of the United Kingdom – yes or no?” Argentine diplomacy in recent weeks has maintained a strong focus on the issue, with minister of foreign affairs Héctor Timerman visiting the UK in February to engage in public diplomacy on the issue with supporters from UK and European civil society."
South Africans have yet to discover the real power of social media - Yu-Shan Wu, Mail and Guardian Online - "South Africans are ... increasingly using new media platforms. The first Twitter map of Africa, by Portland Communications, shows South Africa as home to the most active tweeters on the continent. The 2011 census indicates that about 90% of the population own mobile phones — on which the internet is available — a sharp increase from the 32% who owned them in 2001. ... But South Africa is deeply divided into different cultural, language and socioeconomic groups, which shows in the way wireless technology is used. Wealthier users regularly comment on issues but that does not mean their opinions translate into political action. ... As the political leadership adapts to new public diplomacy strategies, citizens will acquaint themselves more and more with new technology. The pieces of the game exist but the users ultimately make the rules."
Foreign Office fetes Hina tomorrow - Muhammad Saleh Zaafir, The News International (Pakistan): "[M]ajor reshuffle has been made in high echelon in the Foreign Office. Diplomatic sources told The News here Monday that Naghmana Hashmi has been appointed additional foreign secretary for Americas (ASA) in place of Muhammad Aslam Khan. Aslam Khan will be additional secretary for policy planning and public diplomacy (PP and PD)."
Public lecture on Japan’s new international relations - talkvietnam.com: "A public lecture on “Japan’s new international relations” held by the Japan Foundation Centre for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam, in cooperation with the University of Social Science and Humanities – Vietnam National University, will take place on March 19
in Hanoi and March 22 in Ho Chi Minh City. ... The Japanese scholars participating in the public lecture include Prof. Dr. Yoshihide Soeya and Prof. Dr. Yasushi Watanable. ... Yasushi Watanable ... has served as the Executive Director of the Japanese Association for American Studies and on the Advisory Council on Public Diplomacy of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is currently an editorial member of Gaiko (Diplomacy) magazine." Image from entry
Australian High Commission Islamabad Job, Media and Political Officer 10 Mar - friendsmania.net: "AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSION ISLAMABAD JOB VACANCY: Media and Political Officer The Australian High Commission in Islamabad is seeking applications for tiie position of Media and Political Officer to work in its political section. As part of a small team, the successful applicant will monitor domestic and international political developments, and prepare briefs and reporting. The successful applicant will liaise with local media and assist with the Australian High Commission’s public diplomacy program. A full description of the position and infonnation on how to apply can be found at www.pakistan.crobassv.gov.au/islm/aboutus.html"
Job Opportunity: Social Media Assistant - israemploy.net: "BASIC FUNCTION OF POSITION: This position is located in the Public Diplomacy Section at Embassy [which Embassy not specified - JB] in Tel Aviv. Incumbent serves as an advisor for Embassy new and social media efforts to engage with Israeli audiences in order to further Mission and Department goals. Creates social media strategy and content for the section’s platforms, which may include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. Cultivates contacts in Israeli social and new media practice and theory, as well as in Government offices dealing with social media. Uses electronic and mobile tools to monitor and report on social media trends. Develops effective, multifaceted public diplomacy/marketing strategies to communicate policies and priorities in new media trends. Writes Public Diplomacy evaluation reports and highlights."
Mr. President, Tear Down This Wall - Michael Dear, New York Times: The U.S.-Mexico border fence, however, undermines this cooperation and cohesion, as it splinters lives and scars landscapes. Likewise, to many who live here, the border patrols, with their ever watching drones, feel more like an occupying army. Add to this the enormous expense of maintaining the fortifications — estimated to be $6.5 billion over the next 20 years — and it’s clear that the costs of these structures far outweigh any benefit they offer in deterring illegal immigration. We can prevent further waste by just demolishing the Mexico-United States Barrier today.
Looking ahead to a post-Karzai Afghanistan - Editorial Board, Washington Post: Rather than chase the distant prospect of a negotiated settlement with the Taliban, the Obama administration and other Western governments ought to press Mr. Karzai to appoint qualified officials to the presidential election commission and allow for international observers, quietly encourage qualified candidates to jump into the race and make plans to protect voters from Taliban attacks. Little more than a year from now, visiting U.S. dignitaries will no longer have to face Mr. Karzai. What’s needed is a strategy to maximize the chance that his successor will be a competent manager and reliable ally.
Reach Out to North Korea - Donald P. Gregg, nytimes.com: Kim Jong-un seeks serious dialogue with Washington, but that he will push toward full nuclear weapons status for Pyongyang unless he becomes convinced that the United States means him and his country no harm. I take seriously the message that Dennis Rodman carried from Kim Jong-un to President Obama: “He wants Obama to do one thing: Call him,” Rodman told a television interviewer after he returned to America.
He quoted the North Korean leader as saying, “I don’t want to do war.” In a recent speech at the University of Virginia, Secretary of State Kerry repeated what he said to the North Koreans a year ago: The United States is a country “without any permanent enemies.” It is to be hoped that his opening moves toward Asia as secretary of state will fully reflect that belief. Image from article
Propaganda or paranoia? North Korea threatens South Korea again: As South Korea and the US continue their annual joint military exercises Monday, North Korea cut off a phone hotline to the South and repeated its threat to nullify the Korean War armistice - Steven Borowiec, Christian Science Monitor: On Monday, South Korean and US troops undertook annual military exercises, while North Korea carried out threats to cut off a military hotline and nullify the 1953 Korean War armistice agreement, as tensions on the peninsula remained high.
“Partly for propaganda purposes and partly out of a kind of paranoia that makes them fear for their security,
To China's Censors, With Love: What is it like to know the truth while trying to keep your countrymen ignorant? - Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal: The world knows about Unit 61398 -- a branch of the People's Liberation Army -- thanks to a report last month by the Virginia-based Mandiant Corporation, which traced the source of many of the hacks into U.S. companies, including the Journal, to the Datong Road address. And the Journal knows the state-owned China National Publications Import & Export Corporation censorship because we take note of what gets banned or torn out of our newspapers when they are distributed in China. In 2006, a year's worth of censorship amounted to eight articles being torn out of the paper. In 2012, the censorship was up more than 13-fold.
Maps that treat Taiwan as a country: out. Articles critical of Beijing's policies toward Tibetans or Uighurs: out. A review of two books about Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward and the famine he caused: out. Articles about intrigues at the top level of the Communist Party: out. Also banned: an article about how Home Depot HD -0.07% is closing its remaining retail stores in China, after discovering that Chinese shoppers prefer "do it for me" over "do it yourself." Image from article, with caption: The building outside Shanghai that houses China's secretive Unit 61398.
Agens, Russian Lesbian Magazine, Launches Despite 'Gay Propaganda' Laws - Glennisha Morgan, The Huffington Post: The first issue of the magazine features coming out stories and features on filmmaking, studying abroad, local businesses and androgynous women’s clothing in 120 pages. In addition to being
Bye Bye, Robot Launches New Star Trek Poster Featuring Khan Propaganda - Crewman Becky, subspacecomms.com: Bye Bye Robot has launched its latest Star Trek poster, “Unify Humanity”, featuring Khan propaganda, by illustrator Steve Thomas.
On acid free/archival heavyweight coverstock, its distressed, vintage feel harkens back to the propaganda posters of the communist era of early to mid last century. Image from entry
Photo Gallery: The Enemy play Propaganda club at Roadmender - northamptonchron.co.uk: The Enemy played to a packed Roadmender in Northampton on Friday night. The trio from Coventry released their latest album, Streets in the Sky, last year and have been playing Propaganda club shows across the country.
During their 12 songs set, they played a selection of their biggest hits including Away From Here and Saturday. They were joined by resident Propaganda DJs who played either side of their set. Image from entry, with caption: The Enemy, Propaganda club tour, Roadmender, Northampton, March 2013
"Roads named for VOA include Voice of America Road near Sequim, Washington."
--International Broadcasting reporter Kim Andrew Elliott

--Via K.K. on Facebook ("Russian Style"; note image of Soviet-era railings and pre-revolutionary "hard sign" after cyrillic "stil")
From "Uncle Hoxha’s Mushrooms: What’s The Deal With Albania?"

--Via KK on Facebook
Facebook 'Likes' reveal more about you than you think - Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY: If you "Like" lots of people, places and things on Facebook, you may get rewarded with discounts and special offers. But new research out today shows that these public Likes reveal more
about you than you may think. Using a dataset of more than 58,000 Facebook users in the USA collected between 2007 and 2012, researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom were able to accurately predict certain qualities and traits, such as race, age, IQ, sexuality, personality, substance use and political views using Facebook Likes alone. Image from
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