--Words of a song written by Czech author Milan Kundera in his youth

--Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to George W. Bush, regarding Russian PM Putin
Barack Obama and Fred Astaire: What a Pair! – John Brown, Notes and Essays

Young Tribal Voices: Radio Theater In Pakistan – Hal, EARS Inc. Blog: “Educational Arts Resource Services, Inc., a company founded and run by Hal Ryder (Faculty, Theater Department), was invited to do a project in Peshawar, Pakistan this past summer, entitled Young Tribal Voices. Professor Ryder and Cornish alumna and Theater Department Faculty, Kerry Skalsky (Theater ’89), spent five weeks working with students from the University of Peshawar and Kohat to create and present radio plays dealing with social issues, intended for broadcast into the tribal areas in NW Pakistan. The workshop culminated with a live radio broadcast in Pashto, that included four plays written and performed by the students, a professional radio MC, and live music in front of a live audience. After the project, James K. Glassman, the new undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, mentioned the project as an initiative in the war of ideas. The project has been funded for the students to write 52 more plays and broadcast them in the next year. Hal Ryder spent a week this month in Washington D.C. debriefing the project with Department of State officials and discussing future options. “

Turkey needs a Präsenz Schweiz – Kerim Balci, Today’s Zaman: A recent Turkish media delegation visit to Switzerland organized by the country's official public diplomacy agency has revealed Turkey's urgent need for a similar agency. Präsenz Schweiz (Presence Switzerland) invited a group of Turkish journalists for a three-day visit to Zurich, Bern and Lausanne in order to introduce the Turkish media to the Swiss democratic system and economy ahead of the first ever Swiss presidential visit to Turkey.
New approaches to halt Iran's nuclear program - Bennett Ramberg, Jerusalem Post: “For the mullahs, one value dominates - preservation of the theocratic regime. In this view a nuclear Iran provides security, international influence, self-confidence, prestige, scientific infrastructure, economic modernization and energy diversity while buttressing popular support. Iran's values, however, can become the West's sword. Consider a kaleidoscope of alternatives [among them] … Sow nuclear fear. Iran, obviously, resides in a dangerous neighborhood. Use public diplomacy to cultivate popular fear that nuclear plants are radiological hostages to terrorist malevolence, military attacks and accidents.

Israel expects U.S.-Iran talks under Obama - Barak Ravid, Haaretz: “[O]ver the past two months the Foreign Ministry has put together a four-pronged plan for a new diplomatic campaign against Iran. … A fourth team will deal with issues of public diplomacy - writing articles in leading newspapers around the world, conducting press briefings, engaging in public relations efforts against the Iranian regime on university campuses, and disseminating intelligence against Iran in the media.”
Sobre El Mundo Mundial - José María, Sobre el mundo mundial:“Es lo que el Departamento de Estado llama ‘public diplomacy’, la diplomacia de su gobierno dirigida no a otro gobierno sino a la población de otro país. No se llama propaganda, ni intoxicación, ni agitación política, ni engaño sino "diplomacia pública" y lo dicen con toda claridad. Y obsérvese que en esta diplomacia se incluyen los programas de entretenimiento (si no ‘panem’, por lo menos ‘circenses’) y no se excluyen los spots publicitarios puros y duros.”

Translation Is Foreign to U.S. Publishers - Motoko Rich, New York Times: It is a commonly held assumption that Americans don’t like to read authors who write in languages they don’t understand. To help spur more translations, government-sponsored cultural agencies in Europe and elsewhere subsidize -- or fully cover -- the cost of translating books into English.
The Torture Time Bomb: The Bush administration's approval of the abuse of detainees is a toxic legacy for the next US president - Philippe Sands, Guardian/Common Dreams
Economic Puzzles: Suddenly, Europe Looks Pretty Smart - Nelson D. Schwartz, New York Times: During the last 10 days Europeans have proved more nimble

U.S. Loses Its Grip on Europe - William Pfaff, Truthdig: Some Europeans seem to have decided that the postwar era of American leadership is over.
Will Transplanting the Strategy in Iraq to Afghanistan Save the Day? – Ivan Eland, Antiwar.com: Paying off the Taliban not to fight probably won't work, and the Afghan war likely cannot be salvaged. The US should withdraw its forces from Afghanistan and concentrate on pressuring the Pakistani government into finding and turning over bin Laden.
Moving Towards a 'Grand Bargain' in Afghanistan - Jim Lobe, Antiwar.com: Increasingly frustrated by the "downward spiral" that the U.S. intelligence community sees in Afghanistan, the Pentagon appears to be moving in support of engaging leaders of the resurgent Taliban who are prepared to disassociate themselves from al Qaeda.
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