Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators: Software Radio Attacks and Zero-Power Defenses
--Title of a new report, via Swedish Meatballs Confidential

The Future of Arab-American Relations - Tariq, Project on Middle East Democracy: The POMED Wire: “The fall 2008 issue of Arab Insight from the World Security Institute has been released, and at over 130 pages, there is much to cover. … Sadiq el-Faqih seem[s] to be speaking directly to Barack Obama … [He] offers his take on 'Improving U.S. Standing in the Arab World: Can Public Diplomacy Do the Trick?'”

US unveils Iraq culture aid – AFP: “US First Lady Laura Bush visited Baghdad's embassy in Washington on Thursday [last week] to unveil a 14-million-dollar US campaign to rebuild Iraq's cultural heritage and safeguard its treasures. … The US Embassy in Baghdad will provide nearly 13 million dollars to the project, while the US State Department's bureau of educational and cultural affairs will contribute another one million dollars.”

The Immigration and Public Diplomacy Appointments Project - Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange: “This newly-founded project aims to support the next Administration in identifying top-level candidates for key positions that impact policy on immigration and public diplomacy issues. … The Immigration and Public Diplomacy Appointments Project will do all it can to press for qualified candidates to be considered by the Transition Team of the next Administration." Via Len Baldyga.
Obama the better choice: McCain would continue America's decline; Obama better for both US, Israel - Chaim Landau, ynetnews: “The next president will face a multitude of challenges … These challenges demand a president who not only is willing to try out new approaches, but a president who has a keen understanding of these issues, ranging from the economy and the environment to foreign policy and public diplomacy.”
Journey Through UNIFIL - Mark Leon Goldberg, UN Dispatch: "This video is the first installment of a ten part series that is meant to explain UNIFIL to a Lebanese audience. (The host is Lebanese actor Rafic Ali Ahmad). To an American audience the video looks a little campy, but it is an interesting example of a peacekeeping mission's efforts at 21st century public diplomacy."


Schools in need employ teachers from overseas - Emily Bazar, USA TODAY: A growing number of school districts are hiring teachers from foreign countries to fill shortages in math, science and special education. The trend is most evident in poor urban and rural districts, according to educators.
Guantánamo's Bleak Farce: After dropping war crimes charges against five prisoners today, the US's use of military commissions is unraveling - Andy Worthington, Guardian/Common Dreams
Confessions of a former Guantánamo prosecutor: The inside story of a military lawyer who discovered stunning injustice at the heart of the Bush administration's military commissions - Stacy Sullivan, Salon

If Elected ...Rivals Split on U.S. Power, but Ideas Defy Easy Labels - David E. Sanger, New York Times: Both presidential candidates forged specific positions amid the realities of an election in post-Iraq, post-crash America -- where judgment sometimes collides with political expediency. Mr. McCain emphasizes hard power first. More than any previous presidential candidate, Mr. Obama has emphasized the idea of soft power -- the ability to lead by moral example and nonmilitary action.
Obama's Change Must Start With His Advisers - Edward Lozansky, Moscow Times: As for the present, Obama is clearly surrounded by people who may yet make the Kremlin feel nostalgic for the good old days of the Bush administration.

On Al-Qaeda Web Sites, Joy Over U.S. Crisis, Support for McCain - Joby Warrick and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post: "Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election," said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the "failing march of his predecessor," President Bush. See also.
Israel's peace paradox: Olmert says Israeli settlements on the West Bank must go. So why has he allowed them to grow? – Editorial, Los Angeles Times: If the past is prologue, either President McCain or President Obama will plead with Olmert's designated successor, Tzipi Livni, to restrain settlement activity. The really difficult task -- thanks partly to Olmert's government -- will be to evacuate settlements that shouldn't have been built in the first place.
Stopping A Nuclear Tehran - Daniel R. Coats and Charles S. Robb, Washington Post: To increase our leverage over Iran and to prepare for a military strike, if one were required, the next president will need to begin building up military assets in the region from day one. Daniel R. Coats, a former Republican senator from Indiana, and Charles S. Robb, a former Democratic senator from Virginia, are co-chairmen of the Bipartisan Policy Center's national security task force on Iran.
Iran Is Job One - Roger Cohen, New York Times: Iran also has some shared interests with America. Don’t lecture to Iran. Don’t moralize. Don’t demand everything -- an end to the nuclear program and terrorism and Lebanese and Gazan interference -- without the means to back such demands. That’s been the Bush failure.

Keep the Internet Free: The Net was never neutral. Now's no time to change that - Andrea Renda, Wall Street Journal: Since its birth the Internet has been a vibrant source of innovation precisely because of the absence of prescriptive regulation. Now would be the wrong time to change that.

Oh What the Hell: Uh, Here’s a Video of McCain and Obama Dancing - Wonkette

Vintage Japanese movie-monster anatomical illustrations – Boing Boing
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