--Author Caroline Seebohm
“I know, of course, how important it is not to keep a business engagement, if one wants to retain any sense of the beauty of life.”
--Oscar Wilde
Public Diplomacy: A National Security Imperative Judith A. McHale Under Secretary [of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs] Address at the Center for a New American Security Washington, DC June 11, 2009 – U.S. Department of State: "Today we have a President and Secretaries of State and Defense who are committed to renewing our engagement with the people of the world and restoring the kind of leadership that made the United States a force for global progress for so much of our history. The Obama Administration recognizes the central role of public diplomacy as a tool of smart power and an essential ingredient for 21st century statecraft. … Secretary Clinton has put people-to-people diplomacy at the heart of smart power and has underscored our need to, 'build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal.' … The goal of this kind of person-to-person engagement

Lebanon Election Outcome and Obama’s Public Diplomacy - Brigitte L. Nacos, reflectivepundit: "While nobody knows for sure whether and how the Obama administration’s direct diplomacy and public diplomacy affected voters [in Lebanon] … it seems that more voters liked Obama’s unifying message rather than the divisive messages of bin Laden and others.”
Obama’s Speech in Cairo - Roni Bart, Canada Free Press: "[T]he speech in Cairo will be remembered as a milestone in the annals of 'soft power' and public diplomacy based on persuasion, symbols, and the media. It likely contributed to a rise in

Our View: Obama speech paves way for Clinton efforts – Crimson White: "Obama’s journey to the Middle East – he also made stops in Saudi Arabia – and his extraordinary speech in the Egyptian capital were important signals of the new president’s respect for the region. … The State Department should pump funding into public diplomacy efforts, and American diplomats must showcase the policy differences between George W. Bush and Barack Obama. To find success in the Muslim world, Obama, via Clinton, must persuade Muslims that the United States is not using moderate governments as mere pawns. They must feel they are legitimate partners of the United States."
President Obama Changing Islam’s Opinion Of The U.S.- Ronald Walters, Seattle Medium:

Obama's missed opportunity in Egypt - Bill Gertz, Washington Times: "The White House views the speech in Cairo by President Obama reaching out to Muslims as part of its aggressive effort to counter the lies of Muslim extremists while promoting American values around the world. Specialists in international public diplomacy, however, said the president missed a chance to launch a much-needed program to more directly critique the roots of Muslim extremism and counter its ideology of hate with a war of ideas."
Obama’s trifecta: so far, so good - Donald K. Emmerson, East Asia Forum: "A trifecta happens when a gambler correctly predicts the first three finishers of a race in the correct order. Obama appears to have bet his skills in public diplomacy on this sequence: Ankara first, then Cairo, then Jakarta. One can ask whether his actions will match his words, and whether the US Congress will go along with his prescriptions. But with two destinations down and one to go, Obama is well on his way to completing a trifecta in the race for hearts and minds in the Muslim world."
US House Of Representatives Approves State Department Funding Measure

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Simon Study Abroad Bill - PRNewswire-USNewswire: "The Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Foundation Act gained significant momentum yesterday as it passed the U.S. House of Representatives as part of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 (H.R. 2410). The Foreign Relations Act, introduced last month by Representative Howard Berman (D-Calif.), is a comprehensive piece of legislation to enhance the U.S. foreign policy efforts of the U.S. Department of State and the Peace Corps. It also includes new initiatives like the Simon legislation that are aimed at advancing U.S. global engagement. ... The Foreign Relations Act also contains other important investments critical to the effectiveness of U.S. public diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security efforts."
International broadcasting: not as simple as stimulus-response - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "It is a mistake to tie the existence of US international broadcasting efforts to changes in opinions in the target country. International broadcasting succeeds by providing news that is more reliable, comprehensive, and credible than the news from state controlled media in the target country.

NPR versus Radio France - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "Abolish the BBG, and senior managers of US international broadcasting elements would again be politically appointed, à la Radio France." On BBG, see.
US Fly to Let owners benefit from Visa Waiver Program expansion - Fly to let: "The Travel Industry Association (TIA) has welcomed the official expansion of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which is estimated to bring approximately one million new visitors to the United States annually. … 'Adding friends and allies to the Visa Waiver Program strengthens U.S. security, boosts America's vital public diplomacy efforts and stimulates U.S. economic growth,' said Roger Dow, president and CEO of the Travel Industry Association."
Could there be a Mousavi Effect? – Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy: "If a 'Mousavi [Mir Hossein Mousavi, possible winner of the Iranian presidential election] Effect' could open a window of opportunity for Iranian public diplomacy and soft power, the big question -- just as it was for Obama -- would be whether Iran would use that moment to reinforce existing lines of conflict or to break them down.

What If Israel Strikes Iran? The mullahs would retaliate. But things would be much worse if they had the bomb – John Bolton, Wall Street Journal: "Many argue that Israeli military action will cause Iranians to rally in support of the mullahs' regime and plunge the region into political chaos. To the contrary, a strike accompanied by effective public diplomacy could well turn Iran's diverse population against an oppressive regime. Most of the Arab world's leaders would welcome Israel solving the Iran nuclear problem, although they certainly won't say so publicly and will rhetorically embrace Iran if Israel strikes. But rhetoric from its Arab neighbors is the only quantum of solace Iran will get." See also.
News in Brief - Gili Izikovich, haaretz.com:

Atrocity sidelines diplomacy - Achara Ashayagachat, Bangkok Post: "Monday night's massacre at Al-Furqan mosque was an atrocity but it was not completely unexpected given that monks and teachers, Buddhists and Muslims, have been killed - in the course of daily events - over the past five years. … Thailand was moving in the right direction by addressing educational and economic opportunities through social justice and public diplomacy. Arshi Khan, a political scientist at Aligarh Muslim University in India, said Thailand's nation-building was best achieved not through integration of land but through the integration of people. Thailand was moving in the right direction by addressing educational and economic opportunities through social justice and public diplomacy."
TWF to promote Wallace to foreign communities - The Jakarta Post: "The Wallacea Foundation (TWF) is campaigning throughout the Wallacea area to global communities as an effort to realise its plan to set up a biodiversity research center in Ternate, North Maluku. … Director of public diplomacy at the foreign affairs ministry, Umar Hadi, said his office would support efforts to promote the Wallace area in the international arena."
Not-So Pleasant Day: Devilshin’s Episode - Shinlee, ORIENS ROS -

Clinton adopts low-key style at State Dept. - Ken Dilanian, USA TODAY: A year after conceding the Democratic nomination to Obama, and four months after becoming his secretary of State, the former first lady and New York senator has settled into her next act : a supporting role as the top diplomat for a president who is his own global ambassador.

Duel of the Spy Chiefs: A Turf War Exposes a Botched Reorganization - David Ignatius, Washington Post: The CIA should run operations; the DNI (director of national intelligence) should run analysis and intelligence community coordination.
Palau to the Rescue: It's only costing $11.7 million per detainee - Review & Outlook, Wall Street Journal: Months of moral grandstanding and intense diplomacy are finally yielding dividends: President Obama has convinced Palau, a Pacific archipelago

Guantanamo haunts released detainees: Released without support or resources, these often shunned, destitute and depressed men make easy recruits for radicals - Laurel Fletcher and Eric Stover, Los Angeles Times
An Innocent Abroad – Timothy Egan, New York Times: For five months now in the Umbrian hill town of Perugia, an American exchange student called “Angel Face” by the tabloid press has been on trial for the murder of her roommate. On Friday, for the first time, that student, Amanda Knox will testify on her own behalf.
New GOP Phrase For Detainee Pictures: “Terrorist Propaganda Photos”:

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