“Twitter is changing the world, 140 characters at the time. The fundamental change is that things are now happening in real time."
--Hjörtur Smárason, Internet marketing and branding consultant, public speaker, columnist and owner of Scope Communications ehf; image from
“If you'll indulge me a tweet-like post: Today, I said goodbye to my 21-year-old cat Elusive (Lucy).”
--Kim Andrew Elliott
Silva Harotonian's Anniversary Video (English): Courtesy Len Baldyga, with the note: ”Silva Harotonian is an IREX employee who was locked up in the infamous Evin prison in Teheran a year ago on trumped up charges of using 'soft power' to try and overthrow the government. She was on an IREX mission to Iran to set up a program on maternal and child health care.”
The Tweet Heard ‘Round Tehran: A New Channel of Public Diplomacy? - Jessie Daniels, The Moderate Voice: "As we watch with interest the events unfolding in Iran, one of the major stories dominating the headlines is the Twitter effect. … [T]he social networking phenomenon has undermined the Iranian regime’s attempts to isolate its country from the rest of the world and has, perhaps, opened a new chapter of informal public diplomacy efforts. … As opposed to formal public diplomacy measures, such as educational and cultural exchanges, social networking sites like Twitter provide a way to informally connect people. These small-scale efforts could have long-ranging benefits. Right now, the American public is getting a glimpse of the Iranian public and gaining an understanding of what drives them, what they are fighting for, and how they are expressing their dissent.” Image from
Twitter: A New Channel Of Public Diplomacy - Cristy Li Politically Conservative, Pro-Taiwan, Pro-Israel: "Thank God for Twitter,

as Islamic Fascist Iran has 'asked' foreign journalists to leave its country, much of the news and information coming from Iran is via Twitter and other networking sites."
The Iranian Elections and Public Diplomacy 2.0: A Tale of Untapped Potential - Helle C. Dale, WebMemo #2497, Heritage Foundation: "Iran's elections last Friday and their dramatic aftermath provided the Obama Administration a unique opportunity to put into action key elements of the government's public diplomacy strategy. Unfortunately, … the message from the U.S. government has been muted. While Web 2.0 technology has the potential

Why it works inside Iran and other discussion about Twitter - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "All this discussion of Twitter's role in the Iranian demonstrations has given me déjà vu. And now I know what it is: memories of the Chinese crackdown on the demonstrators at Tiananmen Square, twenty years ago, and the many frantic usenet posts at that time. People are using Twitter as a modern usenet, and as an e-mail system. But they are trading public internet media for a single proprietary system that could crash or go out of business."
Twittering; or, Where are the Emily Dickinsons at the State Department? [updated] - John Brown, Huffington Post:
Mousavi supporters: "We know BBC and VOA are bad, but..." - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Iran election strife brings war of words: between RFE/RL (Radio Farda) publicity and VOA (Persian News Network) publicity - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
US report notes chasing after the opposition: Restrictions to unions' freedom and onslaught on the media were reported – El Universal, Caracas: Quotes from US State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Advancing Freedom and Democracy Reports, May 2009 Venezuela: “The US Government also uses public diplomacy, targeted foreign assistance, and cooperation with other governments to advance strategic objectives.”
NATO public diplomacy about defence allocated funds in Europe – Financiarul
Public Diplomacy lesson for the ignorant in Third World nations: U.S. on eliminating ‘Trust Deficit’ - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune: "In order to successfully engage the international community, McHale outlines a multi-dimensional approach that combines traditional outreach with new technology. Her plan for public diplomacy will operate on two levels.

U.S. Department of State to Present American Documentary Showcase with Public Screening at National Geographic Society - Bureau Of Public Affairs Office of the Spokesman Washington, DC June 19, 2009 - [State Department]: "The U.S. Department of State will present the American Documentary Showcase, a major touring program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) that introduces foreign audiences to award-winning U.S. documentaries, filmmakers, and film specialists. On Monday, June 22, 2009 at 11:45 a.m., the National Geographic Society (Grosvenor Auditorium, 1600 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.) will host a screening of one of the featured documentaries: America’s Lost Landscape: The Tall Grass Prairie. … ECA produces the American Documentary Showcase in partnership with the University Film and Video Association (UFVA) and in cooperation with the International Documentary Association (IDA). UFVA and IDA have curated a thematic showcase of 29 award-winning contemporary American documentaries… . Founded in 1947, University Film and Video Association has more than 800 professional and institutional members involved in the production and study of film, video, and other media arts. The International Documentary Association supports and promotes documentaries and their filmmakers and has 3000 members in 53 countries."
The US Senate Apologized for Slavery. But We Ain't Gettin' 40 Acres and a Mule! - Yvonne R. Davis, Huffington Post: "A smirk spread across my face when I watched CNN's Wolf Blitzer give the 'Breaking News' this week that the U.S. Senate issued a formal apology to African Americans for Slavery and the era of Jim Crow. … Symbolic gestures like these are most efficacious when public diplomacy is at stake. … Senators, I accept your apology on behalf of America, but I don't need it to be free to achieve the American Dream!”
Highlights from the 140 Character Conference in New York – Hjörtur Smárason, Marketing Safari: "[F]avorites from the conference include … Israel's use of Twitter for public diplomacy (@davidsaranga.”
The use of twitter in Public Diplomacy – Israel Politik:

Hazy future for pollution tax - ferylbob, Wandering China --An 'overseas Chinese' student's journey into discovering the imagination of China: "Being the world's factory also means being a major major source of pollution. This I have been worried about since my trip to Shenzhen in 2002 where skyscrapers were being built to fill the entire horizon. If China were to poise itself to be a world leader, I reckon truly leading the way by keeping our skies clean and blue would win her more genuine supporters (albeit green ones, I'm sure that wouldn't hurt) … . No need for further public diplomacy or any charm offensive needed. Just show and pave the way for true nobility as of the great Chinese thinkers of old. The advantage China has is the ability to introduce sweeping reforms with little in the way, let's hope money-making doesn't cloud that ideal, as it already has in so many aspects."

How Europe Sees America: Our Survey on Attitudes About U.S. Cultural and Political Influence – Adam Cohen, Wall Street Journal: "Ask people what they think of America's cultural and political influence in the wider world and you're sure to get a mixed response, even from Americans. One thing is clear: Most Europeans think America's political influence in the world was negative over the past five years, but say it has taken a sharply positive turn since Barack Obama's election as U.S. president. When it comes to culture, Europeans' view of America's contributions is more complex. Some aspects are loathed, others are loved. Large numbers of Europeans say they detest American food, but cite films and television shows as the country's best exports."
Obama taps 3 more big donors for ambassadorships - Matthew Lee, Associated Press, Washington Post: President Barack Obama on Friday named three more big fundraisers and contributors to his presidential campaign to ambassadorships in Sweden, Italy and Morocco."
Weekend Opinionator: Watching Iran, Re-Fighting Iraq - Tobin Harshaw, New York Times: There have been any number of aspects of the Iranian election and ensuing demonstrations that have been worth debating: Should President Obama condemn the regime or would “meddling” be counterproductive?

Iran, Revealed: The supreme leader issues a challenge to his internal foes -- and the Obama administration - Editorial, Washington Post: Mr. Obama was ill-advised to muse that "the difference between [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad and [opposition candidate Mir Hossein] Mousavi in terms of their actual positions may not be as great as has been advertised."
City of Whispers - Roger Cohen, New York Times: Tehran is the city of whispers. Its people crave to know that their hushed voices are being heard. Obama, lover of words, is the message man. “Message received” is what he must convey.
Obama betrays Iranians: Protesters need to know the Free World supports them
- Jeffrey T. Kuhner, Washington Times
Katyń: An Interview with Director Andrzej Wajda - Krakow Post: Katyń [the subject of Wayda’s film] remains one of the most inflammatory words in Polish-Russian relations. Sixty-six years ago, in April 1943, Goebbels released what he believed to be his greatest propaganda coup of the war. 4,243 Polish officers had been found in mass graves in the Katyń

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