Thursday, August 13, 2015

Analyzing the Impacts of Public Diplomacy

Efe Sevin, a political communications scholar and an assistant professor at Kadir Has University, has published a new article. His piece, Pathways of Connection: An Analytical Approach to the Impacts of Public Diplomacy, appeared July 2015 in the online edition of Public Relations Review. The article establishes six pathways of engagement that states and state-sponsored actors can use to connect and communicate with foreign publics. Sevin observes that while “the outcomes of public diplomacy projects are unobservable,” practitioners can track their impact(s) against the six pathways of connection, which include public opinion, relationship dynamics and public debates. To illustrate his framework, the author includes examples such as President Obama’s visit to Brazil, a Chinese cultural exhibition in the United States, and the European Union’s Youth in Action program.
The full article is available here.

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