Thursday, March 3, 2016

Found on the Web: Concept For a Unified Presentation of the Czech Republic [pardon the awkward margins]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulated a Concept for a Unified Presentation of the Czech Republic, which the government of the Czech Republic approved by means of Resolution No. 74 on January 19, 2005. The task of drawing up this concept was assigned by the government through Resolution No. 239 on March 17, 2004...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulated a Concept for a Unified Presentation of the Czech Republic , which the government of the Czech Republic approved by means of Resolution No. 74 on January 19, 2005. The task of drawing up this concept was assigned by the government through Resolution No. 239 on March 17, 2004.
This does not involve ensuring a specific media campaign, but rather the preparation of strategic material that proposes a systemic solution.
The Czech Republic lacks an overall presentation - as of now, promotional activities have been implemented only for individual segments (export, tourism, culture, science, etc.) without any integration and effective coordination. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has thus submitted its vision of a joint plan that will be binding for all state administrative bodies, and will be reflected in all relevant strategies and in the activities of every administrative unit. This will be fulfilled over the long-term.
The process of creating an image of the country is a permanent, ongoing task. The Concept is the first step in establishing a functional system for strategically managing this image from the long-term perspective. The submitted Concept presents the channels and instruments to be used for a unified presentation of the Czech Republic, which will be implemented over the long-term by state administrative bodies and should also include the options available for building a positive image of the Czech Republic.
Not only has the foreign relations agenda been assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the scope of its competence by Act No. 2/1969, but the ministry also considers this area as having a very high priority. It has access to a worldwide network of representative offices, manpower, and foreign experiences, and thus is the initiator and proponent of this conceptual material.
As the coordinator for the presentation of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs established the Commission for the Presentation of the Czech Republic, which includes, among others, the deputy ministers from relevant government departments, directors of government-subsidized organizations, and representatives from the Office of the President, Parliament, and the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic. The Commission's primary task is to unify and coordinate the Czech Republic's presentational activities and thus attain the maximum synergy and effectiveness of the human and financial resources that are expended by the state administration. The primary intention is to ensure that the presentational activities of individual ministries do not contradict each other and that they all correspond to a joint vision.
The goals of the unified presentation of the Czech Republic are to:
· consolidate the approach implemented by state administrative bodies in the area of presentation, both at home as well as abroad;
· distance itself from its current image as a post-communist country with a cheap labor force and a country that is backward and undeveloped, because this image no longer corresponds to the reality of the situation and the development that the Czech Republic has undergone since 1989 up to the present day;
· increase the amount of quality foreign investments and profits from tourism with a positive impact on the employment market and a higher standard of living for inhabitants;
· increase the effectiveness of state budget expenditures for the country's presentational and marketing activities and to support the creation of a positive image of the Czech Republic, thus improving awareness of the Czech Republic and increasing its credibility on the international stage.
You can find the full text of the Concept in Adobe Acrobat ( Logo PDF pdf ) format here .


concept_unified_presentation_czech_republic147 kB pdf (Adobe Acrobat document) Aug 26, 2008

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