Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The age of Wikipedia wars

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, israelhayom.com

image from
PMW [Palestinian Media Watch] ... [is] an organization that, as its name suggests, watches and reports on incitement and lies in the Palestinian media. PMW has been making headway in a world usually dominated by ineffective public diplomacy and reactive efforts rather than active measures. Therefore, the organization has come under fierce attack by the pro-Palestinian camp. ...
The media likes to focus on the war that is being waged with knives and guns and tanks, but today the most furious fight is being fought in the new media arena, where everyone is a soldier and no one has a name. However scary this may seem, it also brings hope to our cause -- it means that anyone can get involved and make a mark in the fight for truth and freedom. This is a Wikipedia war in that the facts need to be checked and rechecked by every man and the winner will be the side that manages to sweep the masses in this reality of intellectual sharing.
PMW does something very simple. It checks the facts and reports the errors, and spreads these truths through inexpensive and accessible channels. It may seem like a miniscule effort, but as proven by this week's debate in the Swedish parliament, it has the power to reach the highest echelons and policy makers around the world.
With smartphones and Wi-Fi we can all be makers of history, and the fact that the opposition is reacting so strongly is proof that we have finally found a form of advocacy that can do more than print posters and produce sound bites for embassy staff. ...

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