Monday, May 9, 2016

Bishop's Quotables (from Public Diplomacy Council website)

Quotable: Tony Blair on ideology with roots in a perversion of religion

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016
“. . . if we do not challenge and defeat this ideology we will never eradicate the violence which is the product of it.”  This was the main theme of the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, when he spoke at the launch of the Commission on Countering Violent Extremism organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington on February 23, 2016.  Here are some his key views, beginning with some fundamental questions:

Quotable: Juan Zarate on the battle of ideas

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016
“We are losing the broader ‘battle of ideas’ against a violent extremist ideology that is infecting a whole new generation of Muslim millennials and defining what it means to be Muslim in the 21st century,” said Juan C. Zarate in an April 22, 2016, interview with Bryan Price of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.  Zarate was former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism from 2005 to 2009.  Much of his long interview in the April 2016 issue of CTC Sentinel addressed terrorism finance, but these paragraphs focused on extremist ideologies and the work of the Countering Violent Extremism Commission of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Quotable: “S. M.” on American films that “vilify” the Middle East

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016
“Hollywood’s relationship with the Middle East still relies on stock scenes and clichés. Films often proselytise American militarism while vilifying the largely Muslim region.”  This opened a commentary by “S.M.” in the “Prospero” blog on The Economist website on April 26, 2016 – “A war of narratives: To combat Islamic State propaganda, Hollywood needs broader perspectives .” 

Quotable: Ian Bertram on “how not to apply social media”

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016
Foreign Policy magazine recently published some strong words by Air Force Major Ian Bertram:  “Social media is how the modern world communicates, and it happens almost simultaneously.”  “Right now,” however, “the military’s efforts are laughable at best, and often nonexistent due to an overabundance of operational security. This problem allows our opponents to set the public agenda, leaving us to respond with ‘nuh-uh!’ in our best playground voice.”

Read on for more comments from his Defense essay contest entry, “We need effective operations in the realm of social media,” with proper disclaimers that these are “his own views, which are not necessarily those of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.”  The essay also included some words on the State Department:

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