Monday, October 23, 2017

North Korea’s letter attempts to drive a wedge between the United States and its Asian partners

James Hannah,

Image from article, with caption: Kim Jung-Un’s regime is arguing that their nuclear programme is a defensive action, required in response to Trump’s threats

The letter could reflect a cowed Pyongyang suffering under deeper sanctions – a bellicose cry for help. Or it could be further escalation of rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington

The latest round of North Korean public diplomacy, an “open letter” attacking Donald Trump, comes at a time when major political events have taken place in China and Japan, and on the eve of a high-profile visit to Asia from the US President. As a result, two big stories, one a long-term process of great power competition in Asia, the other an increasingly immediate crisis on the Korean Peninsula with potentially devastating results, look increasingly interlinked. ...

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