Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Found on the Web: Feasibility of Metrics in Public Diplomacy Why and What (video)


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Public diplomacy success is not easily quantifiable. For instance, even when U.S. popularity ratings run high among foreigners, it is far from certain that this translates into support for United States policy by other governments. Opinion polls are crude measurements, influenced by numerous factors. Yet, in an era of fiscal constraint, it is more important than ever to develop good metrics for evaluating the success of U.S. public diplomacy programs. Knowing what works and what doesn’t in the field of public diplomacy will improve communication with audiences around the world and maximize the way dollars are being spent. Good metrics would offer guidance and justification as well as diagnostics.

I had the privilege of exploring the range of factors that should be included in good metrics to guide U.S. public diplomacy and explores other aspects of this important concept, at a presentation at the Heritage Foundation on January 25th, 2012.

You can watch the entire presentation HERE.  A record of the event, with audio and video available is HERE.

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