“'I’ve come to the region nine or ten times,' Admiral Mullen told the [Afghan] clerics.
Mr. Holbrooke jumped in.
'And each time, things have gotten worse.'
Admiral Mullen, Mr. Holbrooke, and all the clerics laughed.'"
--New York Times reporter Dexter Filkins; image fromPUBLIC DIPLOMACY
How effective was Obama in Europe? - Guy W. Farmer, Nevada Appeal: "President Obama and his lovely wife Michelle were greeted like rock stars in Europe, but that doesn’t mean their trip was entirely successful from a foreign policy point of view.

President Obama’s Trip – A Sign of Transatlantic Unity? - Swoop: "Obama’s first major international foray was a success in terms of public diplomacy but left the Administration’s policy agenda with a lot to hope for."

Voinovich's View: "To Re-engage an Awakening Bear?" - Senator George V. Voinovich – American Chronicle: "Over the last decade in the United States Senate, I have been actively involved in crafting America´s foreign and national security policies. I used my status as a five-year member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to conduct oversight of U.S. foreign policy in the most critical parts of the world including Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. I also played a leadership role in strengthening and enlarging the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alliance; advancing United Nations (U.N.) reform; strengthening U.S. public diplomacy; promoting lasting peace and stability in Southeast Europe; and combating global anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of intolerance."

New wave of advice about Radio/TV Marti - Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: “Satellite television and the internet will be more popular than shortwave as … newer media develop, probably on the black market, in Cuba. Then Radio/TV Martí will have a more difficult problem of competing, not with the moribund Cuban media, but with all the Spanish-language satellite channels and websites available to the Hemisphere. Perhaps these competitors, collectively, can do the job Radio/TV Martí had always set out to do, but at no cost to the US taxpayers.”

Hijacked Ship Back in Port, Its Captain Still a Hostage - Nick Wadhams, Time: “The U.S. ship whose crew overcame a band of pirates off the coast of Somalia docked in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa on Saturday, its sailors relieved to be safe but distraught over the fate of their captain, who remains captive in a lifeboat at sea. … 'These guys have been through a hell of a situation, and their boss is still floating in the middle of the ocean,' said Mark Zimmer, the public diplomacy officer of the U.S. embassy in Kenya for Somalia."

Japan should ‘reinvigorate’ Burma policy- BBNN-Asian News: "New York-based Human Rights Watch implored the Japanese government to consider reforms that would support and safeguard human rights worldwide, saying that its method of 'quiet diplomacy' shied away from vocal condemnation of destructive governments. Japan should adopt a mixture of private and public diplomacy in its dealings with authoritarian governments, said Kenneth Roth, executive director of HRW."
Soft Power Your Way Out O' This One China!!! – Jamesome, Perspectives on Public Diplomacy: “I predict a significant say-do gap for China (already there in many ways) and an immense set of population pressures that the U.S. does not have to deal with. China is rising, but it will have a longer way to fall when it trips up. Speculating, just speculating.”
På musikalsk diplomati-turne til Zimbabwe - Søren Møller, Politiken.DK: “Det er alt sammen rigtig nok, men det er også mig i min egenskab af offentlig diplomat! Som man også kan se, har jeg glemt mit diplomattøj og min mappe og jeg har heller ikke læst statskundskab eller været ansat i udenrigsministeriet.

DFA, Lanao gov’t conduct mobile passport processing in Marawi - Ali G. Macabalang, Manila Bulletin: "The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), in partnership with the provincial government of Lanao del Sur, conducted another phase of mobile passport processing service for prospect hajj travelers from the province and this city in a joint venture initiated by Gov. Mamintal Alonto Adiong, Jr. … The first phase of the joint venture had served more than 2,000 applicants for the 2008 hajj to Mecca, while the latest stage has processed an estimated 4,000 passport applicants from April 1 to 7, according to a record obtained from Sherifa Kadil-Adiong of the provincial information office. … ‘In a nutshell, the joint venture has saved thousands of Lanao del Sur residents from extra costs, time and effort travelling to Cagayan de Oro or Manila to renew or apply for new passports. It is also a manifestation of public diplomacy to bring the DFA closer to the people,’ [Philippine Consul General to Saudi Arabia Mohd. Noordin Pendosina N.] Lomondot said."

Back in the Utopian States - Oliver North, Washington Times: The O-Team's Euro-expedition may have set a new foreign fantasy record. Actions speak louder than words -- no matter how flowery the rhetoric.

Civilians Reassert Themselves in U.S. Foreign Policy - Dexter Filkins, New York Times: In the nearly eight years since the 9/11 attacks, the foreign policy of the United States has often appeared to be an exclusively military affair, if not always conducted by men with guns then practiced by civilians not shy in reminding their foes that they had force at their disposal. The diplomats, for the most part, watched from afar. The reassertion by civilian leaders is being led by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has promised to restore the State Department’s centrality in the making of foreign policy. She has a long way to go.
Obama Protects CIA Torture Memos: Hope Abandoned

Pakistan: US Drones have killed 687 Innocents - Juan Cole, Informed Comment Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion
Zionism and Israel- Issues and Answers (FAQ): Questions and answers about Zionism, Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian (Palestine-Israel, Middle East) Conflict - Zionism and Israel FAQ: Ideologically, anti-Zionist ideas, including Jewish religious and Marxist anti-Zionism are tinged with racism. Anti-Zionist positions are based on anti-Semitic ideas and assumptions, and often substitute "Zionists" for "Jews" in propaganda that is otherwise identical to anti-Semitic propaganda.

Meeting the neighbors: At the Summit of the Americas, Obama has the chance to offer leadership without unilateralism - Editorial, Los Angeles Times
End the embargo on Cuba: The United States cannot afford to maintain its embargo of Cuba, or its reckless immigration policy - Elizabeth Morrow, Boston Globe
Lifting the veil on a North Korean obsession - Adrienne Mong, NBC News: Films, of course, have long been a keen interest of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Il.

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