“It is supposed to be a sequential process in which guidance originates from the National Command Authorities (NCA), through the various departments within the government and performed simultaneously at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels

--Major Matthew Orris, Small Wars Journal, regarding strategic information operations (IO), “in theory, a continuous loop that runs the entire ‘spectrum from peace to war and back to peace and it involves all elements of the national government, not solely the military’”; image from

Three Areas Where the Right Get Ahead of the Curve on Foreign Policy - Matt Moon, The Next Right Thing:

Progress in Social Media in Gov't from Mark Drapeau, National Defense University - Craig Newmark, Huffington Post: "I've gotten a glimpse of a paper from Mark Drapeau of the National Defense University.

Prop it up - - adriennevogt,Your Advertisement Here - "After the initial declaration of 'war on terrorism,' a more subtle propaganda spin war needed to be waged on the American public. Patriotism was high, people were mad and willing to take action, and the time was ripe for shaping perceptions. Action demands actors. According to this article, these actors came in the form of four women advisers: Karen Hughes (Image of Karen Hughes Clinton below from),

Obama versus Bush in the Middle Eastern media - Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Don't Be So Sensitive, Mr. President: Truth comes before reconciliation - Christopher Hitchens, Slate:

The great right-wing freak-out: Symptoms of the conservative crack-up were on full display after President Obama's trip abroad. Bill Kristol, take a bow - Juan Cole, Salon: President Obama's recent trip to Europe, Turkey and Iraq was a fairly bland freshman outing in foreign affairs, notable for the enormous good will it generated toward the U.S., along with some practical achievements and a few minor errors. On the American Right, however, Obama's trip produced hysteria.
Taliban, terrorists love Great Satan's great servers: Here's an odd endorsement of US Internet infrastructure: American Web-hosting services are good enough and cheap enough that even the Taliban prefers them - Julian Sanchez, ars technica: There's reason to think American intelligence officials are only too happy to have the enemy's data flowing across US soil.
McKiernan Raises Effort to Win Afghan Hearts and Minds to a New Level - Brandon Friedman, Huffington Post: The top American general in the country, Gen. David McKiernan, has sharpened his focus on the long-neglected practice of winning hearts and minds. But rather than simply paying the technique lip service -- as has often been done in the past -- McKiernan, in a concerted shift, is now placing more importance on effective communication with tribal leaders than on killing militants.

Pakistani Taliban Moves to Within 60 Miles Of Islamabad - Ian Welsh, Huffington Post: The realpolitik problem with the Afghani war is that it's destabilizing Pakistan so much. Afghanistan falling to fundamentalists really doesn't matter -- Pakistan doing so changes world geopolitics significantly.
Realpolitik for Iran - Roger Cohen, New York Times: It’s almost certainly too late to stop Iran achieving virtual nuclear power status. Israel has made clear it won’t accept virtual nuclear power status for Iran, despite its own nonvirtual nuclear warheads. Obama will have to get tougher with Israel than any U.S. president in recent years.
Don't Flash the Yellow Light: Mixed Messages from Washington Could Lead to Catastrophe in Iran - Roane Carey, TomDispatch:

Obama enters the bazaar - Editorial, Boston Globe: President Obama's overtures to Iran are a positive step along the path to denuclearizing the volatile region.
What Iran Really Thinks About Talks: It's a game of diplomacy without sincerity - Michael Rubin, Wall Street Journal: When Mr. Obama declared on April 5 that "All countries can access peaceful nuclear energy," the state-run daily newspaper Resalat responded with a front page headline, "The United States capitulates to the nuclear goals of Iran." With Washington embracing dialogue without accountability and Tehran embracing diplomacy without sincerity, it appears the Iranian government is right.
On Cuba, Obama must first think of Latin America – and democracy: The region's democracies need to be defended, as does US nurturing of liberty - Editorial Board, Christian Science Monitor:

Toward a New Cuba Policy: Neither engagement nor isolation have worked - Maria Werlau, Wall Street Journal: What is needed is a policy of comprehensive conditional engagement.
The Next Guantánamo – Editorial, New York Times: The Obama administration is basking in praise for its welcome commitment to shut down the American detention center at Guantánamo Bay. But it is acting far less nobly when it comes to prisoners held at a larger, more secretive military detention facility at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
A hard history lesson on torture – Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle: The use of torture remains a blot on the nation's record. Understanding how it happened may be the only way to remove it.

No Nukes - Steve Coll, New Yorker: Along with two unfinished wars and economic freefall, President Barack Obama has inherited a less visible crisis, which may, in time, trump the others: the deterioration of the global nuclear-nonproliferation regime, which has lately reached its most fragile state of disrepair since the nineteen-eighties. Image Boston Globe: If President Obama is as determined as he says to take on the huge issue

Now, we must continue giving to the world's poor - Michael Castaldo, UnionLeader.com: We need to stand behind results-focused programs that deliver systemic change by partnering with countries to build their own capacity and reform their own policies to create the very conditions necessary for sustainable poverty reduction and long-term economic growth. The U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation is one such innovation, partnering with countries worldwide that pursue good policies, define and implement their own homegrown, antipoverty programs, and generate measurable results that count in the lives of the poor. Image from
Will Obama be a no-go to racism conference? - Marlene Nadle, Boston Globe: There is a bitter irony in America's first black president continuing to boycott the UN's international conference on racism scheduled for this month.
Let's Fight Wars on Earth, Not in Heaven: How to define, and avoid, a cosmic war - Alan Wolfe, Slate: Reza Aslan, the author of No God but God, devotes his new book, How To Win a Cosmic War, to explaining how some people in the world come to view their struggles in cosmic terms. Despite his title, he then goes on to propose ways not to win such a war but to make it more manageable.

Scholars on the Sidelines - Joseph S. Nye Jr., Washington Post: Scholars are paying less attention to questions about how their work relates to the policy world, and in many departments a focus on policy can hurt one's career.
War By Any Other Name: Obama's new terminology has started a trend [satire]: Joe Queenan, Wall Street Journal: The Obama administration has come under intense criticism for replacing the term "war on terror" with the emaciated euphemism "overseas contingency operations," and for referring to individual acts of terror as "man-caused disasters." This semi-official attempt to disassociate the administration from the fierce rhetoric favored by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney has enraged Americans on both the right and left.
German Propaganda Websites: Compare and Contrast – esantra, Bukisa
'Superman' artist Joe Shuster's lurid comic world exposed - David Colton, USA Today:

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