--A French journalist regarding US President Barack Obama; image from
"Je regrette l'Europe aux anciens parapets!"
--Arthur Rimbaud, Poésies (1870-1871), le Bateau ivre
Texting Toward Utopia: Does the Internet spread democracy? - Evgeny Morozov, Boston Review: “Predictably, most cyber–utopians nurture a deep–seated belief in an inherent cosmopolitanism of the Internet. They imagine that 'digital natives'—those who have grown up surrounded by technology and the Internet—will choose the outward path and become harbingers of democracy, American–style.
This logic has permeated virtually all major institutions tasked with promoting democracy abroad, including the State Department, whose Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under Condoleezza Rice, James Glassman, said: 'We feel that around the world, young people are using the Internet to push back against violence in a new way, using social networking, convening large groups to have conversations, basically, to share information.' … [W]e should ditch the blinding ideology of technological determinism and focus on practical tasks. Figuring out how the Internet could benefit existing democratic forces and organizations—very few of which have exhibited much creativity on the Web—would not be a bad place to start.'” Image from
Robots as Strategic Corporals – Matt Armstrong, complex terrain laboratory: “The intoxicating allure of technology risks unintended consequences in the psychological struggle for minds and wills in modern conflict. In my many conversations on the 'public diplomacy' of unmanned warfare, few consider the robots, autonomous or remote controlled, in a war fought among the people. How do we build relationships with the locals in the sterility of robot-human interfaces? Will improved human-robot interfaces really overcome the understandable perception that American lives are worth more than locals?” Image from
diplomatic lolcopter - Fawda Munathema, African Politics, Middle Eastern Politics, and Whatever Else Interests Me. It's Organized Chaos: “The Hegemonist has a funny mock cable for April Fool's. … '7. (U) All Embassy outreach will be conducted by blog and/or podcast, eliminating the tiresome need to conduct public diplomacy with actual 'people'. (Comment. 'People', let’s face it, are the most frustrating part of public diplomacy. If it were not for the troubling persistence of the 'people' factor in public diplomacy, this Embassy has no doubt that the US would totally be winning the war for hearts and minds! End comment.) Every moment of the Ambassador’s day will be 'tweeted' to the adoring masses. (e.g. 'The foreign minister suggested I choose the sole, but cautious that the choice might tip my hand regarding the upcoming maritime policy review, I went with the filet.') Taking a cue from the recent U.S. Presidential debates, the Embassy will accept grant proposals only through YouTube. Post is not dissuaded by Cameroon’s less than 1 percent internet saturation. If you blog it, they will come and, anyways, as our new Mission Strategic Plan says: 'Never let inconvenient facts stand in the way of policy!'" Image from
Private Sector Public Diplomacy - Eoghan, The POMED Wire, Project on Middle East Diplomacy: "Stephen R. Grand and Kristin M. Lord at the Brookings Institution say it will take more than meetings with heads of state for Obama to build a positive relationship with the Islamic world. Businesses, NGOs, and other private groups must also be involved in the effort to bridge the divide between Western and Muslim societies. 'We will need to see more educational and professional exchanges, sister cities programs, jointly produced media products, co-developed cultural activities, joint scientific research projects, co-developed social networking sites, co-produced fundraisers for humanitarian causes, co-written textbooks.' To this end, Brookings has proposed 'a new public-private organization called the USA World Trust. The Trust would support the kind of people-to-people engagement that will present a more positive image of America, contribute to an environment of mutual respect and understanding, promote shared values and their champions, counter extremist ideologies, and support our government’s public diplomacy efforts.'”
Calling For US Leadership To Fight Global Health Crises - Jirair Ratevosian, Huffington Post: ”[T]he entire International Affairs Budget is a mere 1.4% of the total FY10 Budget representing only 0.35% of GDP--a small price to pay for restoring America's image abroad. The International Affairs Budget strengthens America's capabilities and energizes our outreach to the world through vigorous public diplomacy and development including support for life-saving global health initiatives.”
Hoops for Hope: Peace Breaks Out on the Basketball Court in Kashmir - Dilip D'Souza, OneWorld.net: "Last April, then-Senator (now U.S. Vice President) Joe Biden held a hearing on national security reform during which former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, posed this question in his testimony: 'You know the most effective public diplomacy I've seen? It's been basketball . . . J.D. Walsh is . . . in India . . . using it, as they teach basketball, to also have HIV/AIDS testing, to teach courses in nonviolent conflict resolution. He's not talking about Arab-Israeli peace issues, or Al Qaeda, for that matter, but he's having more effect in diplomacy than you can imagine.'" Image from
FP 2009 Update - Week 7 - The Cable - huntingnasrallah, United Against Islamic Supremacism: Reason cannot be an Islamophobe - “Spencer Ackerman and Marc Lynch both noted that former Discovery Communications President and CEO Judith McHale is likely to be named as Glassman’s successor to the role of undersecretary of state for public diplomacy – ‘R’. The job was once a PR position and Glassman turned it into a Security Operation. Ackerman and Lynch express concerns of a return to the old format for position.”
China arrives as a world power today - and we should welcome it - Timothy Garton Ash, posted at Bangladesh Online News, Bangladesh Newspaper: “China is also investing more in public diplomacy, with nearly 300 Confucius Institutes around the world, increased international broadcasting, and Chinese leaders placing op-ed pieces in western newspapers. 'Soft power' is well on the way to becoming a Chinese phrase. So in all three key dimensions of power - economic, military and soft - China is stepping up its game.”Netanyahu's Cabinet Needs an Extra Table - A Blog by the Editor of The Middle East Journal: Comment by reader David Mack: “[I]t helps that Israelis continue to want to have a government on good terms with Washington. The test will be whether the Obama, Clinton, Mitchell team press hard and persistently for Israeli initiatives toward the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors that serve US interests, as well as Israel's long term aspirations to be a demographically and militarily secure and democratic Jewish state in the Middle East. Both sides will use the tools of public diplomacy as well as direct talks.” Image from
Comedy performance to complete Islamic Awareness Week - Rebecca Toback, SU [Syracuse University] The Daily Orange: "'Arabs Gone Wild,' is a stand-up comedy show featuring four Arab-American comics: Amer Zahr, Dean Obeidallah, Maria Shehata and Maysoon Zayid. … The show brings an end to the two-day program 'Old and New Media and the Changing Faces of Islam,' co-sponsored by the Religion, Media and International Affairs Project and the Muslim Student Association as a part of Islamic Awareness Week. … The utilization of the media, how the facts are reported, public diplomacy and the portrayal of women are themes that will be addressed both through the discussions and lectures of 'Old and New Media and the Changing Faces of Islam' and in the comedy show.'”Government reports on public diplomacy you may have missed – Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner
Help! I’m trapped in long, obligatory read! - Jay, Jay Bookman: "So, anyone reading any good books lately? Me, I’m reading 'The Cold War and the United States Information Agency: American Propaganda and Public Diplomacy, 1945-1989,' by Nicholas Cull. That is not, by the way, a recommendation. It’s for research, and it’s dry. Informative, valuable, but dry. And long. So anybody reading anything a little more fun, or provocative?" Comment to this review by John Brown: "I think that your comments on Professor Cull's ground-breaking work are unfair to both the author and history. His work is an important, carefully researched account of American public diplomacy during the Cold War. To tell this story accurately rather than 'glamorously' serves both specialists and [the] general [public]. While I think Professor Cull could perhaps have had more 'slice of life' accounts of American public diplomacy as implemented in the field (i.e., overseas) -- in addition to his exhaustive coverage of policies and programs generated from headquarters in Washington -- his work up to now is the definitive history of the United States Information Agency and will be used by scholars and students for decades." Image from
Grants and Awards – Research and Impact New, Crawford School in the News - "Yusaku Horiuchi's article, 'Spinning the Globe? U.S. Public Diplomacy and Foreign Public Opinion' (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith), was accepted for publication from Journal of Politics. Currently, he has four papers under review for publication. Yusaku's papers are available at http://www.horiuchi.org/."
Consul general of Egypt in San Francisco to speak at BYU April 9 – News Release, BYU News: “His Excellency Hesham Elnakib, consul general of Egypt in San Francisco, will present a Brigham Young University David M. Kennedy Center lecture, 'Egypt and the U.S. under the Obama Administration,' Thursday, April 9, at noon in 303 J. Reuben Clark Building. … His previous appointments have included postings in Washington, D.C.; Vienna, Austria; and Egypt. He has served as director of press and public diplomacy, director of the Press Counselor and Spokesperson of Press and Information Office and director and counselor for the North American Department.”Creative Project Director London / £400 - £600 per day - executivesontheweb.com: "Our client is seeking an experienced and creative project director to lead its global campaign strategy. The individual will need to demonstrate expertise in briefing and managing communication agencies effectively and possess a good knowledge of creative processes and strategic communications. Ideally you will have a background in managing events, public diplomacy and exposure to a sporting environment would be highly beneficial." Image from
Nutter Promises Budget Cut Won't Cripple Courts Amaris Elliott-Engel, The Legal Intelligencer Blog: “Following the introduction last week of a proposed budget that startled court leaders with a deep cut, Mayor Michael Nutter undertook some public diplomacy with the court system today at the Philadelphia Bar Association’s quarterly meeting. … ‘I want to affirm to you very directly we will not take any cut that will drastically affect our courts,’ Nutter said.”
Three Uneasy Pieces – Editors, National Review: Nothing good can be expected from the G20 summit. The best we can hope for is that Europe and the United States will each succeed in restraining the other’s pet solution.
Europe Got Obama — Now What? Obama is moving to the left of Europe - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review: Obama doesn’t seem convinced of any special relationship with Europe. His interests and priorities lie more in Asia, Latin America, and Africa -- places that have also been the great sources of immigration to America the last half-century.
Disturber of the Peace:'Yes, We Can' Meets Conservative Europe -Robert Kagan, Washington Post: The question will be whether the Obama administration, like some previous American administrations, can get Europe to do what Americans believe needs doing. Instead of challenging them to do more, the administration may politely move on without them: the soft unilateralism of low expectations. Image from
Is Europe our next big problem? EU institutions are leaky boats sailing into a storm - George H. Lesser, Washington Times: even though things are far from rosy in the United States, many Europeans look at us with envy because we have one government and one central bank to steer monetary policy, taxation and spending. In Europe, the world's largest economic entity now lacks the basic political structure it desperately needs to make the economic decisions that need to be made. Of course, this creates a huge problem for the United States because that will make it much harder for the Europeans to work with us in getting out of this mess.
The president's trip to London may be all smiles so far, but beneath the surface, the G-20 is shaping up as a fierce geopolitical fistfight. The Daily Beast presents five countries giving Obama headaches – Daily Beast
Downwind from Iran: Why they're nervous in the Gulf - Peter Berkowitz, Weekly Standard: If the president thinks that the United States has economic woes now, they will be as nothing if he lets down our pro-Western Gulf allies and thwarts our own vital national interests by failing to employ the necessary mixture of diplomacy and force to persuade or compel Iran to respect the requirements of international order.
Strengthen a fraying trans-Atlantic alliance - Erik Jones and John A. Gans Jr., Baltimore Sun: Only by reinforcing the alliance's economic and security legs with new mechanisms for achieving joint objectives can we ensure the "old West" is ready for the new challenges of the future.
How do we save NATO? We quit: The alliance has lost its sense of purpose. The way to get it back is for the U.S. to withdraw and let Europe be responsible for its own defense - Andrew J. Bacevich, Los Angeles Times
NATO at 60: Alive and Kicking - Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, New York Times: NATO leaders have their work cut out for them at the summit this weekend.
NATO at 60: Save the Champagne - Mark Medish, New York Times: If the alliance does not want to die, it needs a radical rebranding. Image from
To Beat a Dictator, Ignore Him - B. R. Myers, New York Times: Punitive sanctions after the launch of a missile would most likely make no difference, because North Korea will return to negotiations in any case.
Innocent detainees need a home - Bill Delahunt and Sabin Willett, Boston Globe: One of the most pressing issues the Obama administration will face when it closes Guantanamo is what to do with the 63 detainees cleared for release who cannot return home. The only realistic option is for the Uighurs to be resettled in the United States.
Beyond Here Lies Nothing: Surging Further Into the Afghan Abyss - Chris Floyd, CounterPunch
A New Start for US-Russian Relations - Joe Cirincione, Huffington Post: The US and Russian presidents released in London today a remarkable statement that breaks from the stale mumbo jumbo of the past and details an ambitious work plan for a new relationship between the two countries -- starting with the goal of a nuclear-free world.
Summit Without Soul: Barack Obama's pragmatic first meeting with Dmitry Medvedev – Editorial, Washington Post: Mr. Obama is right to pragmatically pursue arms control agreements with Russia and to seek its cooperation on Iran and counterterrorism. But he must also make clear to the Kremlin that collaboration in those areas will never mean consent for Russian autocracy or neo-imperialism, and that as long as those policies persist, the regime's fantasy of a global partnership with the United States will remain just that. Image from
How a 'G-2' Would Hurt - Dennis C. Wilder, Washington Post: While greater cooperation with China on transnational issues from economic stabilization to energy security will make these problems more manageable, none of the great challenges of our time can be navigated without major contributions from other important Asian countries.
The war to the south – Editorial, Boston Globe: The Obama administration is sending its top people to Mexico tomorrow to see about halting the flow of guns and cash that fuel the escalating drug war across the border. He should step up efforts on the supply side -- tracing illegal guns back to the US, and work harder on the demand side -- better addiction treatment and education.
Obama's Sudan Policy Imperative: Reining in Bashir and bolstering South Sudan - Leonard A. Leo & Nina Shea, Weekly StandardA World in Need of a New Order - Thierry De Montbrial, New York Times: Multipolarity means that although the United States will remain the only superpower for the foreseeable future, it can no longer pretend to lead the world alone. Image from
‘How Did This Country Get Stuck With an Empire?’ – Truthdig: With military personnel deployed in 150 countries, Bill Maher says bringing the troops home from Iraq is only the tip of the iceberg. “Can you imagine if there were 20,000 armed Guatemalans on a base in San Bernardino right now? Lou Dobbs would become a suicide bomber”
"’Soft power’ is well on the way to becoming a Chinese phrase.”
--Scholar Timothy Garton Ash
“’People’, let’s face it, are the most frustrating part of public diplomacy.”
--The Hegemonist (in a mock US Embassy cable)
Bomb blows hole in Lenin statue, BBC News (April 1, 2009)
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