"Twitter abhors a vacuum." --
David Sarno and Alana Semuels, “Ignore Twitter? Major brands learn they'd better respond -- and quick,” Los Angeles Times; image
from"I heard about a woman who tweeted her father’s funeral. Whatever happened to private pain?"--Columnist
Maureen DowdGuest Post: Why "public diplomacy"? - Hans Tuch,
MountainRunner: "It is true that the Reagan administration misused public diplomacy for domestic propaganda purposes and that the Clinton administration did much to diminish public diplomacy by dismantling the U.S. Information Agency; yet I am hopeful that the current administration will again recognize the importance of public diplomacy and restore it to its rightful position in the U.S. foreign policy firmament."
Reflecting on the "Global Apology Tour"... - David Rothkopf,
Foreign Policy: "At breakfast this morning a leading Democratic policy thinker referred to President Obama's recent jaunts to Europe and the Caribbean as his 'global apology tour.' …

He winced while he was saying it and laughed nervously. But the message is clear: it's all well and good to make nice but these two forays into international diplomacy have to be viewed purely as scene-setters. Obama set a tone. He checked the 'I'm not W' box. But the deliverables were negligible at best. Comment by reader ule99: Having the entire world hate us doesn't help...Maybe it's not so bad to take a different track. The newfound public diplomacy efforts of the Obama administration need to be echoed by concrete policies and dollars in support of PD efforts around the world. International volunteering organizations, Public Diplomacy within State, and companies that positively improve America's image abroad, need to get support. Just apologizing is fine but [its] actions that will make it easier for America to do its work. And it will." Image
Public diplomacy in the Muslim World - Scott Kistler,
Tempora Christiana: “One point seems clear to me: If you want world power and influence, you have to understand the people that you want to influence, rather than assuming that they want the same things that you do.”
Service Agenda - Edward Palonek,
Edward Palonek ™: "Now, President Obama and Vice President Biden are counting on Americans from all walks of life to serve the nation and help address the problems we face -- and they're committed to building the infrastructure and providing the resources that will make it possible. … Expand the Peace Corps: Double the Peace Corps to 16,000 by 2011. Build an international network of overseas volunteers so that Americans work side-by-side with volunteers from other countries. Show the World the Best Face of America: Set up an America's Voice Initiative to deploy Americans who are fluent speakers of local languages for public diplomacy. Extend opportunities for older individuals such as teachers, engineers, and doctors to serve overseas." Image
State IG sees problems with VOA Persian News Network (updated) -
Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public DiplomacyCongress maintains funds for "surge" broadcasting to Tibet -
Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Obama Campaign's Multi-Million Dollar Propaganda Firm Deployed in Iraq to Advise on "New Media" - Jeremy Scahill,
AlterNet: "The U.S. State Department has
announced it is sponsoring a 'New Media Technology' delegation to Iraq to 'explore new opportunities to support Iraqi government and non-government stakeholders in Iraq's emerging new media industry.' Of all of the areas in Iraq in desperate need of attention, its 'emerging new media industry' is not the one that pops to mind.. … [T]he final company listed as participating in the delegation begs for some sort of special review:
Blue State Digital, a firm which boasts its services were 'Critically important to President Obama's victory' in the November election. Indeed, federal campaign spending records indicate that the Obama campaign paid the firm at least $2,864,138 in 2007-2008, including more than $700,000 on election day."
See also. Image
fromReport: US is jamming, blocking Taliban media -
Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public DiplomacyPropagandists of terror prevailing - Sally Neighbour,
The Australian:

In July 2005, al-Qa'ida's chief strategist Ayman al-Zawahiri outlined a critical element of his organisation's war against the West. 'We are in a battle and more than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media. We are in a media battle for the hearts and minds of our umma (community).' Al-Qa'ida has made 'the media battle' a key front in its war, a strategy that helps explain why the jihadist movement continues to flourish." Image
Information Operations: Death by Propaganda -
InsidetheHQ: "In an effort to move away from what some charge has been an operation of propaganda overseas, the Pentagon has
dismantled the office for support of public diplomacy. … Critics have called it the DoD Propaganda office, though we would think that title has been bestowed on many a government information operation. … . Communication castration? Despite this latest shut down, DoD remains armed with more money and trained communicators than anyone else in government, which makes the P-word allegations even more curious. Possibly one person’s information dissemination is another’s propaganda?" Image
A Pentagon Cyber-Command Is in the Works - Spencer S. Hsu,
Washington Post: "The Obama administration is finalizing plans for a new Pentagon command to coordinate the security of military computer networks and to develop new offensive cyber-weapons, sources said last night. Planning for the reorganization of Defense Department and intelligence agencies is underway, and a decision is imminent, according to a person familiar with the White House plans."
I love the smell of propaganda in the morning... –septicisle,

“If it's on the Sun's front page on a Monday, it's probably propaganda. …
Today's, also authored by John Kay, is more easy to trace direct back to source:
the MoD have the exact same story up on their website. It's also a hoary old tale which while possibly true, is equally likely not to be: MIRACLE soldier Leon Wilson told last night how a high-velocity Taliban bullet hit his helmet and missed his head by two millimetres — the thickness of a beer mat. The Sun further embellishes the story by adding some extraneous detail: Travelling at 1,000 metres a second, the bullet pierced the left side of his combat helmet, ripped through a forehead pad inside and exited the front without touching him. At 1,000 metres a second! Not 999 metres a second, or 1,001 metres a second, but an exact 1,000! That's impressive!” Image
fromTwitter and handling public relations – gamburg,
small talk: “I'm bringing for your attention an article from LAT about Twitter and how big companies deal with its impact on PR and branding. There are some insights that could be applied in public diplomacy:
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-twitter20-2009apr20,0,2701874.storyModova's "Twitter Revolution" (updated: and Thailand's) -
Kim Andrew Elliott Discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
The case for 'incitement' -
Jerusalem Post: "'Hasbara' - Israel's public diplomacy - is self-evidently problematic because the country does not speak with one voice. Israeli officials may be vexed by what they read in the morning papers or watch on the evening news. But they rightly have no control over news and opinion. A free press is a 'handicap' this and any democracy willingly embraces. NOT SO in much of the Muslim and Arab world." Image
fromGovt to launch PR war to counter propaganda - Piyanart Srivalo, Bancha Khaengkhan,
The Nation, Thailand: "The government will be launching a publicity campaign both at home and overseas to counter the propaganda war of the red shirts, PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said yesterday."
RI's elections: The regional dividend - Michael Vatikiotis,
Jakarta Post:

"Indonesian analysts have been outspoken critics of the newly adopted ASEAN Charter, doubting that other member states will support the full implementation of its provisions for dispute resolution or respect the charter's embrace of democracy and human rights principles. But the commentary has been long on rhetoric and short on practical suggestions about how to prevent this happening. The government can help by channelling more resources into effective public diplomacy and reaching out to regional partners. It would be inappropriate and counter-productive for Indonesia to rely on traditional Western donors to underwrite the advocacy of democracy." Image
fromCultural diplomacy and conflict resolution at AMU - Hamid Raihan,
AMU News And Views: "Speaking on the topic of 'Cultural Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution' H.E The Ambassador Bal Anand (former Ambassador & Diplomat to Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Romania, New Zealand and Nicaragua Aramenia) said that the impact of culture on the conduct of modern diplomacy is unquestionable. Culture is a powerful instrument in the hands of diplomats to pursue national interest in an un intrusive, intelligent, convincing and cost-effective manner. Culture is utilized actively in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy to foster intercultural understanding and meaningful dialogue between nations. He was, however of the opinion that it is also a tool of conflict resolution and comes under the domain of public diplomacy."
Filipinos ordered to steer clear of Somalia - Elizabeth Dickinson, Passport,
Foreign Policy:

“The single largest supplier of maritime labor -- the Philippines --
announced yesterday that it will forbid its seafarers from passing through the Gulf of Aden, where pirates already hold over a hundred Filipinos hostage. … [I]n real public diplomacy terms, the decision is no surprise. The
release of a five-months-held Filipino crew today illustrates the emotional toll that the piracy has had on the [Philippines'] sea-faring psyche." Image
Sri Lanka's propaganda war - Aly Jiwani,
Perspectives on Public Diplomacy: "The New York Times' blog, The Lede, reports that supporters of both sides in the 25-year Sri Lankan conflict continue to fight a global propaganda war on many fronts http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/21/two-sri-lankas-struggle-to-tell-their-tales/?"
Kim's propaganda –
Taiwan News: "A South Korean court yesterday jailed two leaders of a left-wing group for spreading North Korean propaganda and engaging in activities sympathetic to the communist nation." Image
Reporters behind bars:
The Obama administration must insist that nations seeking U.S. goodwill respect free speech and not hold journalists as political pawns – Editorial,
Los Angeles Times2009 Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy - Events Detail,
USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "July 19 - 31, 2009 9:30 am - 5:15 pm Venue: University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication. The year 2009 marks the fourth annual Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy. This innovative two-week training program run by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School, is an opportunity for professionals to collaborate and immerse themselves in the increasingly critical study of public diplomacy. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to equip practitioners with tools to better understand the role of public diplomacy, analyze the impact of new communication technologies and employ innovative new mechanisms for improving the image and impact of their country or organization in the world."
Last Week at Tufts... –
Tufts University W-News: "Apr. 16: Anthony Smallwood, head of press and public diplomacy, delegation of the European Commission spoke on the topic, 'Europe's Love Affair with Obama - Is it real? Can it last?'"
Media and Public Affairs Officer –
Advance: "The Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations in New York invites applications for the position of Media and Public Affairs Officer."
Henry VIII: athlete, warrior, icon - Adam Risman and Sarah Flagg,

"Henry VIII's reign as King of England is widely remembered for his ugly battles with Rome over control of the Church of England and his six wives, two of which he beheaded. To mark the anniversary, a new exhibition at the Tower of London showcases the king's dramatic transformation during his time on the throne. By presenting Henry as the sporting hero, warrior king and icon he was considered during his reign, the exhibition brings his physical presence and transformation to life, not least through the evolution of his armour. 'You are seeing exactly what a Tudor person would have seen. You can see the man. Portraits can be a form of propaganda. Armour is propaganda as well, but you can’t hide things in armour.'" Image

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