Friday, October 6, 2017

Statement by Mr. ZHANG Peng of the Chinese Delegation at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly under Agenda Item 84: the rule of law at the national and international levels

China believes that enhanced awareness raising, education and research at the national level constitute an important means to disseminate international law. My government has taken a number of steps to effectively advance the research and dissemination of international law in China. These include online publication of international law-related information, public diplomacy, and partnership between government institutions and academia, so that the public can access and discuss the frontier issues and latest developments in international law.

Teaching and promoting a wider knowledge of international law at institutions of higher learning is high on my government’s agenda. As of now, 628 universities in China offer law major, which is selected by more than 312,000 undergraduates. International Law is a required course for law majors. Each year, various universities in China have over 130 PhD candidates and over 1,000 LLM candidates majoring in international law. Many law schools and institutes of social sciences have their own international law institutions for training international law scholars and practitioners. Over the years, a range of national academic bodies have been established, such as the Chinese Society of International Law, the China Society of Private International Law, the Chinese Society of International Economic Law, the Chinese Society of the Law of the Sea and the China Institute of Space Law. They play their part in advancing the research, dissemination, and exchanges in international law through various activities such as hosting annual academic meetings and publishing research-oriented periodicals. ...

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