Friday, May 3, 2019

Peter Shmigel: Challenges and opportunities of Zelenskiy era

Peter Shmigel,, May 1

Image from article, with caption: Ukrainian presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy reacts during a news conference at his campaign headquarters following his presumed win of the presidential election on April 21, 2019.

If ever there was a need for the Ukrainian diaspora to recalibrate, it is now with the democratic election by the citizens of Ukraine of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Such a recalibration can have two key dimensions – one about the outlook and the other about strategy.

First, we can consider how much the diaspora in general and our “peak bodies” (such as the World Congress of Ukrainians, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, the Canadian Ukrainian Congress, the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations and others throughout the world) are accurately aligned with public sentiment and concerns in Ukraine. ...

Secondly, it’s the right time for our leaders and us to ask ourselves key questions about peak bodies’ roles and programmes going forward. For example ...

What does peak bodies’ public diplomacy [JB emphasis] now say to key societal and political stakeholders in the West? What is our new narrative to be? ...

Here’s a big understatement: the Zelenskiy ascendancy represents new challenges and opportunities for Ukraine, Ukrainians, and the diaspora. And that’s doubly so as Ukraine’s enemy also looks to exploit a new situation. So, let’s rip into this unique opportunity as a community through our peak bodies to step up substantive action. Or, we risk stepping aside.

Pete Shmigel has worked as a senior advisor to eight ministers or premiers and has been CEO of three non-governmental organizations in Australia. He has recently run an NGO leadership development course in Ukraine.

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