"The investigation determined the park's content was vulgar and that it was neither healthy nor educational. It had an evil influence on society and had to be torn down immediately."
--One propaganda official in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing, regarding its "Love Land" park over-sized statues of naked genitalia and how-to workshops; image from article
"The more Big Brother watches, the less he seems to see."
--British journalist Ross Clark, in his book "The Road to Big Brother."
As noted in an earlier blog, mention of "public diplomacy" in the media appears to have decreased considerably in recent weeks. See also
‘Hillaryland’ is reborn at the State Department - Carol Eisenberg, Muckety: "Hillary Rodham Clinton may have reinvented herself as secretary of state, but she hasn’t exactly started with a blank slate. The former New York senator has taken along some of her most loyal staffers from 'Hillaryland,' the nickname given to the tightknit group that coalesced around her in the White House, and which advised and supported her as she charted her own political career. …

UC Santa Barbara Professor Spams Class With Graphic "Jews Are Nazis" Email – Omri Ceren, Mere Rhetoric: “'Jews are Nazis' is exactly the line toed by the State Department's flagship Arab public diplomacy outlet."
Ixnay on the "oreignfay olicypay upportsay" - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "The priorities of US international broadcasting should not necessarily coincide with the priorities of US foreign policy."
China Lecture Tour - Week Two: Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai & Suzhou - Robert Percival, Global Environmental Law:

From Washington D.C. – jwithington, USNI blog: "Last Sunday, I packed my bags for DC and reported as an intern to the CNO [Chief of Naval Operations]’s Executive Panel. Composed of civilians who range from business executives to analysts from RAND, the panel functions to give the CNO 'outside the box' thinking on a wide range of issues. I work with the panel’s staff of officers and civilians who assist in the research and writing of papers. I’ve heard GEN Conway speak about the state of the Marine Corps and its upcoming challenges (how amphibious should it be?), attended a talk on media and public diplomacy, and met with the author of the recently published study on 'Social Media and National Security,' discussed by Christiaan and Galrahn."
Visit to Nato HQ Members of Parliament from Estonia, Latvia And Lithuania 18-19 June 2009 - Menetlusinfo -

Don't expect public diplomacy from Syria, top analyst says - Yaakov Lappin, Jerusalem Post: "Hours after President Shimon Peres asked Syrian leader Bashar Assad to give Israel a clear sign that he is interested in peace, a senior analyst of Syria told a French Israeli forum at Tel Aviv University on Sunday that such a signal was unlikely to materialize. Prof. Eyal Zisser, director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University, told a conference organized jointly with the French Embassy that Assad would not engage in the type of public diplomacy Peres had requested."
Less 'kultcha', more creativity - Steve Dow, Watoday:

Ambassador Alexandros Mallias in an interview with Greek News he addresses the status of the Greek - Apostolos Zoupaniotis, GreekNews: After leading for almost 4 years the Greek diplomatic delegation to the United States, Ambassador Alexandros Mallias is returning to the Foreign Ministry as a senior advisor of FM Dora Bakoyianni, on Balkan issues. … A proponent of public diplomacy, Ambassador Mallias has made people-to-people diplomacy an integral part of his mission in the United States, reaching beyond the bounds of Washington politics. He traveled extensively throughout the United States, meeting with state officials and citizens, speaking at universities, colleges and think-tanks, not only on issues relating to Greece, but the broader Southeastern European region, to create links between the people of that region and the United States."
NA Reviews Strategic Plan - Staff Reporter, New Era: Newspaper for a New Namibia:

Indian General Elections 2009: Results - Consulate General of India, Vladivostok – Russian Federation: "On May 12, 2009, Foreign Secretary Mr. Shivshankar Menon along with Chief Election Commissioner Mr. Navin B Chawla released a documentary film, Indian Elections – A Mammoth Democratic Exercise in the presence of scores of Heads of Missions, members of the media and other invited guests. … The documentary directed by Laxmana Dalmia and produced by Public Diplomacy (PD) Division of the Ministry has since been posted on MEA website in the section, In Focus – General Elections 2009."

Obama and human rights: Even as the U.S. joins a U.N. panel on human rights, White House stands on torture photographs and military tribunals raise doubts – Editorial, Los Angeles Times
Not a war for apologists - Ahmed Quraishi, The News International, Pakistan: "But the point here is: Washington is not helping where it really matters, in the propaganda war and inside Afghanistan itself."
Your Turn: Uncle Ahmad wants you! - The Age : "Since July 2002, the US Army has been recruiting a new generation of soldiers to help win 'the war on terror' using a video game. America's Army has been one of the most effective recruitment aids the US Army has ever utilised, 'opening up entirely new channels of communication between young adults and the army' according to the game's originator, Lt. Col. Casey Wardynski. … Today Joka, a South Australian teacher in his late twenties, asks whether games with a blatant political agenda are more insidious than those with more subtle messages."
The State of Surveillance: Britain is one of the most watched societies in the world—from cameras to communications. Can it happen here? – Jacob Sullum, Wall Street Journal: "[H]igh-tech systems that seem at first to be outrageous invasions of privacy turn out to be outrageous boondoggles that don't succeed at their official goals and actually get in the way of catching the bad guys and protecting the public."
Slideshow: Onward Christian soldiers! These never-seen-before documents from the Rumsfeld Pentagon mixed Religion and War, GQ; Via

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