“[T]he transformation of ink into electrons has reached a critical mass.”
--Gloria Goodale, Christian Science Monitor; image from
"Your institutions will be irrelevant by 2020."
--Professor of psychology and instructional technology at Brigham Young University David Wiley, speaking in front of a room full of professors and university administrators
Science Envoy, Public Diplomacy Bills Clear Committee – American Chronicle:

The Science of Diplomacy - Vaughan Turekian, Kristin M. Lord, Foreign Policy: "Foreign publics admire American science and technology far more than they admire America. Indeed, an analysis of Pew polling data from 43 countries shows that favorable views of American science and technology exceed overall views of the United States by an average of 23 points. This presents the United States with a public diplomacy opportunity: to remind foreign people of what they like about the United States and to highlight constructive partnerships between Americans and foreign scientists, engineers, doctors, and technology business leaders. … [T]he Obama administration must change current approaches. Foreign-policy leaders -- especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- must recognize the power of this means of engagement. The United States has emphasized in past weeks its commitment to the globally shared goals of healthier populations, a cleaner environment, safer societies, and a better life for all. Recognizing the potential of science diplomacy will certainly help maximize the United States' realization of these goals."
Lugar To The Rescue: Senate Committee Backs ‘Science Envoy’ Plan - Nicholas J. Cull, Public Diplomacy Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy:

Recommended Reading: Cull on Lugar's leadership in America's leaderless Public Diplomacy - Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner: "Senator Dick Lugar, Republican, is serious about moving America's public diplomacy forward. In fact, I would hazard to think the good Senator from Indiana would be happy to any movement, even sideways, at this point. I think it will be safe to say that the Senator's most critical comments at Judith McHale's confirmation will be 'why has it taken this long?!' followed by 'tell me how you will be hitting the ground with your wheels already spinning'. The bustling going on behind the curtain is not much and it will not make up for the last 100 days of opportunity lost. One of the initiatives I'm most interested to see followed up is how Jim Glassman's initiative to take the leadership reigns of the interagency process will be picked up. Also, with the abolishment of Defense Support for Public Diplomacy, how will the State Public Diplomacy plug-into Defense (and vic versa, which was helpful for funding projects State beyond State's meager budget)."
Analysis-Russia-U.S. ties have tentative start - Sue Pleming, Reuters:

Ethiopia: Are BBC, VOA and AP Being Used for Propaganda by Ethiopian Regime? -Gadaa.com Oduu: "AP, BBC and VOA should not be tricked into disseminating propaganda crafted and disguised as 'sensational news' by the Ethiopian brutal regime of Meles Zenawi and Bereket Simon."
An open court system? Tell it to the judges - Bill McClellan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "Ten judges from Kazakhstan are visiting St. Louis as part of a program developed by the U.S. Agency for International Development. The program is designed 'to promote public diplomacy through exchanges of cultural ideas and values.'"
University of Hawai‘i and the East-West Center signal closer collaboration - UH Mānoa News:

Cal Ripken Documentary Premieres - Denise Koch, WJZ, Baltimore: "A documentary about former Oriole Cal Ripken premiered Tuesday night. You know him as the Iron Man, the career Oriole and Hall of Fame shortstop, but Cal Ripken Jr. is also a public diplomacy envoy for the State Department. For the past two years, he has been creating connections with young people around the world using the language he knows best--baseball. That journey has been made into a film, 'The Shortstop in China' and it had its premiere Tuesday night. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made the appointment."
A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe - Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle, New York Times:

UK minister meets Marshall Scholars in Washington DC (May 05, 2009) – Newsroom, UK in USA: "British Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Bill Rammell met local Washington DC Marshall Scholar alumni at a reception held in his honour at the British Ambassador's residence yesterday evening. … The Rt. Hon. Bill Rammell emphasised at the reception that 'the Marshall Scholarship Programme is the premier public diplomacy programme for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.'"
Top Article: New Rules Of Engagement - Ramesh Thakur, Times of India: "The example par excellence of a country using its overseas people as a valuable diplomatic tool to advance national interests is the Israeli lobby in the US. Indian ambassadors with an interest and the skills to exploit the vast Indian diaspora are as rare as those skilled in the arts of public diplomacy and modern communications. Most seem to expect the same level of deference from overseas Indians they are accustomed to at home."
Nigeria: Rebranding - Another Dimension Maiyanga Alfred, Vanguard:

Ha Noi to host Europe Days celebrations again - Viet Nam News: "Europe Day is … a celebration of the bonds that Europe has established with nations around the world, including Viet Nam. Europe Days in Viet Nam seeks to promote public exchange between the European Union and Viet Nam in the cultural arena."
Netanyahu: Arabs And Jews Unite…Against The Persians – Matt Duss, The Wonk Room: "Over the several years, Iranian President Ahmadinejad has had considerable success in positioning Iran as the standard bearer of Islamic 'resistance,' against the U.S., Israel, and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. In a recent interview, University of Tehran professor Hossein Seifzadeh, who is now a fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington, said that Iran’s anti-Israel rhetoric has been 'a successful exercise in public diplomacy in the Arab world.'”
Guest Post: PSYOP for everyone - Christopher Paul, MountainRunner:

264, 263, 262 . . . Can Obama meet his self-imposed deadline for closing Guantanamo? - James Taranto, Wall Street Journal: On Jan. 22 President Obama issued an executive order pledging to close the detention facility at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base within a year. With 262 days to go, the effort is running into some serious complications.
Spain considers prosecuting U.S. officials for torture: How and why a Spanish judge might put Bush administration lawyers on trial for actions at Guantanamo Bay –

Obama's Prosecutions by Proxy - John R. Bolton, Washington Post: Spanish Magistrate Baltasar Garzón opened a formal investigation last week of six Bush administration lawyers for their roles in advising on interrogation techniques. If Obama is attempting to end the Garzón investigation, it is one of our best-kept secrets in decades.
Govt to counter West's negative propaganda - Zamir Sheikh, The Nation, Pakistan

--WWII propaganda poster from
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