“Among the other shifts at the NSC, a new entity, dubbed the Global Engagement Directive, will aim to coordinate public diplomacy, foreign assistance and international communications at a single White House desk.”
--Cam Simpson, Wall Street Journal
“Creating a new Global Engagement Directorate to drive comprehensive engagement policies that leverage diplomacy, communications, international development and assistance, and domestic engagement and outreach in pursuit of a host of national security objectives, including those related to homeland security.”
--Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, "Statement by the President on the White House Organization for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism"
Below images from Vibrant Chinese Propaganda Art, Part 2 - Lars Hasvoll Bakke, Crestock Stock Photos Design and Photography Blog: Seven Intense Years - "From the seven years between 1969-76, we are left with a vast heritage of marvelous propaganda material. In the second part of this series, we take a look at 50 carefully selected posters from that period."

North Korea: the world watches Obama - Simon Tisdall - "Given his rhetoric about engaging with enemies, Obama’s instinctive preference will be to talk.

Waging Peace Kerry Holds Hearing on Engaging Muslims Around World - Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: "Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Admiral William J. Fallon, USN (ret.), former commander of U.S. Central Command, offered their insights on 'Engaging with Muslim Communities around the World' before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Feb. 26. …

Obama Integrates Security Councils, Adds New Offices: Computer, Pandemic Threats Addressed - Spencer S. Hsu, Washington Post: "Among other things, Obama is establishing a new global engagement directorate to coordinate U.S. communications with other countries and to streamline U.S. diplomatic, aid, environment and energy policies in support of security objectives, officials said."
Obama Revamps National Security Posts - Cam Simpson, Wall Street Journal:

Obama’s new Global Engagement Directorate – Alex Evans, Global Dashboard: "President Obama announced a raft of reforms to the National Security Council yesterday, summed up in this White House statement … . [O]f particular interest are two new directorates within the NSC: one on resilience ('a national security directorate aimed at preparedness and response for a domestic WMD attack, pandemic or natural catastrophe, officials said'),

Going Global Means Thinking Domestic Too - Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner: "Finally we may actually begin moving beyond bureaucratic structures based on quaint beliefs of US and non-US vectors and audiences [with the shifts at the NSC] …

The Widening Public Diplomacy Chasm - Alvin Snyder, Public Diplomacy Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "President Obama is his own best public diplomacy spokesperson after all, and as such, White House media staffers (of which I was one for 5+ years during Nixon-Ford) can be expected to manage the big ticket items direct from Pennsylvania Avenue, with State PD batting way down in the lineup. Further diminishing things is that Ms. McHale is Hillary Clinton’s person, not the president’s, and trust and confidence are at play here. … Someday, the position of PD Undersecretary of State may be taken into the bosom of the White House, but I suspect this will not happen on President Obama’s watch — or Hillary Clinton’s."
Goodbye Clock, Hello McHale - Steven R. Corman, COMOPS Journal: "Judith McHale was sworn-in yesterday as Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.

Polo Ralph Lauren board member accepts White House State Department position - Press Release, Trading Markets:

U.S. Public Diplomacy: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight: Full Report -- Government Accountability Office[GAO]: "[T]he United States' current national communication strategy lacks a number of desirable characteristics identified by GAO, such as a clear definition of the problem, desired results, and a delineation of agency roles and responsibilities."

Random Thoughts on "Public Diplomacy" [revised] – John Brown, Huffington Post: "I'm a great believer in educational/cultural exchanges and in what I call, for lack of a better term, 'arts diplomacy.' Bravo to all our fellow citizens that engage in people-to-people programs (I do, however, recall a wonderful passage in Kenneth Osgood's book about propaganda during the Eisenhower administration, Total Cold War, when a US P2P group involved in canine matters with overseas interlocutors concluded that dogs were the best ambassadors). But I'm also a realist, and what keeps US propaganda going -- sorry, I meant 'public diplomacy' -- is war (especially a global one)."
Who will speak for Israel?- Forecast Highs, Personal Blog of The Jerusalem Post News Editor: "Many … officials have been worried about the confusing multiplicity of government agencies and offices that manage public diplomacy.

Tzipi Livni & Bibi Netanyahu ...the saga continues - Elliot Jager, The Jager File: “[Tzipi] Livni has formed a 'shadow team,' not quite akin to the British concept of the 'shadow cabinet' - yet complete with shadow ministers and area experts to basically parallel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's cabinet. … While saying he does not want to rule over the Palestinians, Netanyahu won't commit to the 'two-state solution' until he knows what that entails for Israel's ability to defend itself. Here Livni's public diplomacy style is wiser. By forthrightly espousing the two-state solution, she places the onus for opposing an end to the conflict where it belongs - on the Palestinians. After all, it's their intransigence - on borders, refugees and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state - that's prevented a deal.”
Are the Stars in Proper Alignment for a New Middle East? - Nissim Dahan (Israel/USA): Mideast Youth – Thinking Ahead: "[N]o one person is in a position to orchestrate the future of the Middle East. But even given all that, in the overall scheme of things, one could argue that there is at least a decent chance of better things to come. …

Art in Morocco’s Embassy – Arab Forum: "Morocco’s Embassy [in Berlin] and the man in charge, Ambassador Rachad Bouhlal, have by now gained the reputation of operating an 'open house' and practicing active public diplomacy. A bridge between the Maghreb Kingdom and Germany is being built with art through regular exhibits."
TPLF apologists ambassadors being summoned home - Editor, Abbay Media:

Meet the Hebrew University's student ambassadors - News atHebrewU: "The Hebrew University student ambassadors program brings together some of the University’s brightest and most articulate young talents. These students represent the University both in Israel and abroad, meeting with visitors and group missions to the University, and participating in Friends Associations events around the world. … Joanna Cohen … was born in Venezuela and is a second-year undergraduate in international relations and history. In addition to her studies, she works for the Hebrew University’s Division for Development and Public Relations and is a fellow with the StandWithUs International Fellowship for Public Diplomacy. Joanna speaks fluent Hebrew, English and Spanish."
Free-range blogging (the Canadian edition) - PalomaFriedman, Think About It: "Jakob met us at our hotel this morning, and under a cover of drizzle, we cabbed out to NATO to meet with James Appathurai, the Public Diplomacy spokesman–numero uno' mouthpiece for the world’s most powerful military alliance, and a Canadian!"
What Obama should tell Muslims - Juan C. Zarate and James K. Glassman, Boston Globe: When President Obama delivers his much-anticipated address in Cairo next week,

Obama to Speak in Cairo, but Where? - Michael Slackman, New York Times: The official word is that nothing has been decided about where President Obama will give his speech when he visits Cairo next Thursday to address the Muslim world. It is supposed to be a secret.
Book Review [Defeating Political Islam: The New Cold War by Moorthy S. Muthuswamy]: Reversing U.S. policy in AfPak - Diana West, Washington Times: Taking th[e] paradigm of the "non-occupying power" and other lessons from the Cold War, Mr. Muthuswamy urges, for example, a propaganda campaign against political Islam akin to that waged against communist ideology. It would target "educated Muslims" in the West, he writes, who "would benefit from the local media and the government propaganda machinery willing to discredit the theological roots of political Islam." That they would, but here's the rub: how first to deprogram the "local media" and the "government propaganda machinery" of their politically correct outlook on the world, including Islam?
NYT's Pentagon Propaganda: Misleading report on Guantánamo and terrorism – FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy in Media Reporting:

Propaganda 2.0 – Truthdig: Sure, Obama and McCain (well, actually their staffs) joined micro-blogging site Twitter for propaganda purposes. But now the nuke-happy and secretive North Koreans are getting in on the Web 2.0 revolution, offering an interesting state-controlled glimpse into the isolated country. North Korea’s state Twitter feed is available in Korean, English and Spanish.
Kremlin Launches ‘School of Bloggers’ - Nathan Hodge, Wired: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recently made a foray into Web 2.0 with the launch of his own blog. Now it looks as if the Kremlin’s embrace of social media is tightening. Evgeny Morozov, who writes Foreign Policy’s fascinating Net.effect blog, stumbled upon the announcement for a series of public lectures on the “Kremlin’s School of Bloggers.” The announcement is on, a sort of DailyKos for the pro-Kremlin set.

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