-- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, on the administration, under pressure from Congress, developing metrics for Afghanistan; but she wants to keep those metrics classified; image from
Media coverage of Public Diplomacy continues to decline, as noted in previous postings.
John Kerry and Foreign Aid – jflack4prez, Infinite Symposium: "Last Thursday I attended a very interesting event at the Brookings Institute, a left-leaning think tank. The event was titled 'Diplomacy and Development in the 21st Century: A conversation with Senator John Kerry.' …

Af-Pak and its discontents - Rising Kashmir: "From a macro perspective, the expectations of the Muslim world(s), of which Pakistan is an important (albeit weakened) component are once again belied and the concomitant anti Americanism is once again on the rise.

RFE/RL president on human rights and on RFE/RL's lifespan - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Random Thoughts on "Public Diplomacy" – John Brown, Notes and Essays:

Bnei Anousim in Europe Join Efforts to Support Israel - Yosef Hartuv, Love of the Land: A Jewish state must be absolutely faithful to the Land of Israel -- the Land that was promised in its Biblical borders to the Fathers of the Nation by the Creator of the world -- and includes the understanding of the positive connection between the Land and the ability of the Nation of Israel to fulfill its earthly goals - Manhigut Yehudit: "For the first time, Bnei Anousim in Europe enlist to join Israel's Hasbara (Public Diplomacy) efforts [.] Dozens of participants, whose ancestors were forced to convert to Catholicism during the Inquisition over 500 years ago, gathered this past weekend in Barcelona for a special seminar run by Shavei Israel to train them in making Israel's case to the media."
Ethiopian ambassadors being summoned home -

State Dept. has few who speak language of area where Taliban operates - Ken Dilanian, USA TODAY:

Iran bans Facebook; various explanations - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Sri Lanka's war of propaganda - Paul Farrell, Eureka Street: "As the dust begins to clear from the scorched battlefields after the Sri Lankan Government's final push against the Tamil Tigers, accusations and counter accusations of human rights abuses remain as vociferous as ever. … [W]hile the fog of war may be dissipating, the fog of propaganda and distortion continues to wreak havoc. Independent journalists who attempt to balance contrasting claims are continually denied access to the conflict area by the Sri Lankan military. "
"In the 1960s, when Betty Friedan diagnosed her fellow wives and daughters as the victims of 'the problem with no name,' American women reported themselves happier, on average, than did men. Today, that gender gap has reversed. Male happiness has inched up, and female happiness has dropped.

--Ross Douthat, Liberated and Unhappy, New York Times

Coaxing bees into making honeycomb sculpture. Hilary Berseth, an artist/beekeeper, makes his sculptures by coaxing bees into making their comb in specific shapes. From Boing Boing
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