--Austrian artist Suzanne Wenger, regarding her interactions with the powerful Obatala priest who became her guru and initiated her to traditional Yoruba religion and the world of Orishas in Nigeria, where she lived from 1950 until her recent death at 93; Wenger photo from

--Austrian-born California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Schwarzenegger/Shriver image from
Alhurra: patronizing propaganda attempting to pacify? - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
PDAA Recognizes Outstanding Public Diplomacy Achievements: Public Diplomacy Alumni Association recognizes achievements by professionals in Macedonia, Indonesia, and Washington, D.C. - Public Diplomacy Alumni Association:
"The Public Diplomacy Alumni Association (PDAA) announced the recipients of its 2009 Award for Achievement in Public Diplomacy at its annual dinner on May 3. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the conduct of public diplomacy by deserving Foreign Service and Civil Service employees and Locally Engaged Staff of the Department of State overseas. Nominated by senior embassy and State Department officials, the honorees this year were Ryan Rowlands, Public Affairs Officer, and Amy Storrow, Assistant Public Affairs Officer in Skopje, Macedonia; Tristram Perry, Assistant Information Officer for Broadcast Media in Jakarta, Indonesia; and Lori Brutten, George Clack and David Shelby of the State Department's Democracy Video Challenge Team." Image from

A creationist theory of public diplomacy - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "Public diplomacy has been practised for centuries, though it was called international propaganda until recent decades."
Canada: We're the other guys -

The Pinnacle for Lou Susman: A Mansion in Regent's Park, London - Carol Felsenthal, Huffington Post: "Last March I posted here that Obama's probable pick for the most prestigious of ambassadorships--the Court of St. James's--was going to Chicagoan and retired investment banker Louis B. Susman. …

State Department's love affair with Islamists: Steven Emerson, Jerusalem Post:

Losing the media war to the Taliban - Robert Haddick, This Week At War, No. 17, Foreign Policy: "In American culture, propaganda is almost a dirty word. Official U.S. spokesmen rightfully fear making a statement that is later proved false. For U.S. strategic communications efforts, these conditions result in timidity rather than boldness. Irregular warfare is all about achieving influence and legitimacy over the population. Here, perceptions become reality. To win the battle of perceptions, U.S. officials will need to try new tactics if they hope to outfight the Taliban's propaganda machine."

Hidden and Sanitized: Looking at Torture - Diane Christian, CounterPunch: "We should look at torture.

Try As He May, Obama Cannot Simply Bury Torture Authorized By The Bush Administration - Bill Lindner, American Chronicle: "Torture worked in producing terroristic propaganda used by the Bush administration to justify illegal wars and scare the American public. Torture worked for al-Qaida. It helped them produce an untold number of recruits and made a mockery of U.S. claims about moral leadership and being a nation of laws. Torture worked. It helped place U.S. soldiers and civilians overseas in grave danger."
A Message to Obama: No Military Commissions; No Preventive Detentions - Andy Worthington, CounterPunch
Special Preview: The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard - Arthur Herman, Commentary: How a dishonest campaign against the war on terror was waged and won.
Readers' comments, part 1: Tone – Richard Shulman, examiner.com: "Another claim is that I 'parrot Zionist propaganda.' What 'Zionist propaganda?' They envision a big, central Israeli agency for promoting a monolithic Zionist ideology. Israel does not have one, and has removed the little it had from its Foreign Ministry. Israel’s ruling class largely is post-Zionist. The West, still I appeasement mode, hardly has raised its consciousness about jihad."
A record 35 million hits – Daily News, Sri Lanka:

China: Lost in translation: Captions accompanying historic photo exhibit give Chinese sanitized version of English ones - Bill Schiller, Toronto Star: "'China through the lens of John Thomson 1868-1872,' is a magnificent exhibition set to tour four cities across China, retracing Thomson's steps.

"The virtual experience allows for transparency, and is more effective in communicating our message than still photos or written materials."
-- Maj. Larry Dillard, program manager of the tax payer-funded Army Experience Center,which incorporates high-tech virtual experiences, more traditional media and one-on-one interaction to reach young men and women who might be considering a life in the service. Image from
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