--Wall Street Journal commentator Daniel Henninger; image from
Diplomacy Chief Predicts Turnaround in US Standing Abroad - David Gollust, VOA: "The U.S. State Department's new public diplomacy chief says she's confident America's image abroad can be rebuilt after sagging badly during the Bush administration.

Judith McHale Resigns DigitalGlobe Board Position - Consumer Electronics Net: "DigitalGlobe, a leading global content provider of high-resolution world imagery solutions, today announced the resignation of Judith McHale from its board of directors, effective as of May 26, 2009. Ms. McHale joined DigitalGlobe's board of directors in July 2008 and is resigning to accept the position of Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Ms. McHale's resignation was expected by the Company."
North Korean nuclear test leaves us no choice but to reduce the broadcasting budget - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy:

BBG's Blaya [Broadcasting Board of Governors member Joaquin Blaya] makes the case for Alhurra - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Bush's Propaganda Effort in Middle East Outed as Colossal Waste of Money, Effort - O'Dwyer's Blog: Covering PR, public affairs, marketing and the world of communications:

White House Homeland Security Council Merged Into the National Security Council - Lawrence Dietz, Psyops Regimental Blog: "The Department of State is the lead for Public Diplomacy, but often lacks the resources and reach to exert information influence in many parts of the world where conflicts exist."
Danger Will Robinson! White House creates the Global Engagement Directive - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "I don't know if US international broadcasting will be among the activities 'coordinated' by this new office, but 'international communications' suggests this might be the case. It dovetails with the rumors that the Obama Administration has not nominated new members for the Broadcasting Board of Governors because it plans to eliminate the BBG. The best thing the BBG can do now is to place large pieces of furniture in front of the door. When staff of the Global Engagement Directive come to visit, be very quiet until they leave. Otherwise, eventually, someone in a goatskin tent in the desert will be listening to the news on VOA. He will say to his companion: 'It sounds like someone has coordinated this newscast. Please retune the radio set to the BBC.'" On BBG, see.
New GAO Report on Public Diplomacy is out (Updated) – Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner: "The report is interesting and worth reading. As others have said, this is a timely report that pulls together much of what has been said. However, there are ... points that need emphasis. First, the GAO does not quite know what to do with the emergence of two sometimes complimentary and sometimes adversarial labels for US engagement:

New media advocates see cracks in Obama's open government push - Aliya Sternstein, Nextgov.com: "Critics noted that with Obama articulating … grand visions [with the open government initiative], there is now a standard to which to hold him. 'So far he hasn't lived up to those expectations, [but] at least those expectations are there,' Kansa said. 'I didn't see this in the last administration.'

How Sweet It Is... Brazil's Sugar Ethanol Fuels China's Recovery - Eric Ehrmann, Huffington Post: "Interests in both hemispheres would be better served if Washington shined the public diplomacy lovelight on the Kremlin's new military cooperation agreement with Venezuela that counterpoises the US presence in Colombia. The big back to the future package features all the trappings of the Cold War deals the Soviets cut with Cuba, Somalia, South Yemen and Syria and represents a potential threat to North-South relations and trade logistics."
Garrard County Economic Development Director Tapped for High Profile Leadership Group, Travels to Australia - Cyberhillbilly: “'ACYPL [The American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL)] has the unique mission of proving select young leaders with an opportunity to travel internationally and engage firsthand in public diplomacy,' said ACYPL Chief Executive Officer Linda Rotunno.

Jazz Heritage Center Celebrates Grand Opening of Its Media and Education Center With 'Jazz Ambassadors': A Retrospective Conversation With Jazz Legend Randy Weston, Moderated by Jazz Historian Dr. Herb Wong – PRNewswire:

Entrevista ao Professor Victor Marques dos Santos - CPA/AJPA: Blog oficial da Comissão Portuguesa do Atlântico e da Associação da Juventude Portuguesa do Atlântico: "Entrevista concedida pelo Professor Victor Marques dos Santos à AJPA, 12 de Maio de 2009. Victor Marques dos Santos. Professor Associado com Agregação. Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

Canada: We're the other guys (updated) - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy: "Is it Canada's use of 'cultural programs, international education, international broadcasting, trade, and investment promotion' that have resulted in its positive ratings in international opinion polls?"
Egyptian Broadcasters Escape State TV - 3almastaba’s Blog: "The main source of profit to any television comes from advertisements. The emergence of the independent channels slashed the state profits from television commercials. … State broadcast journalists are even confused about their job definition and mission. 'Obviously it is a public diplomacy,' said Amin [Yousef Amin, Nile TV anchor]. 'It should be a news tool a news channel.' The first definition of any channel comes within its agenda. 'There is definitely an agenda,' said Amin. 'Like any other news outlet.'”
Sri Lanka Tamil minority driven toward LTTE due to long abuse by Sinhalese majority, says ‘New York Times’ - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune:

Mr. Obama in Egypt: Will he speak to a rising generation of Muslims -- or the autocrats

Report: Iraq prisoner abuse photos depict torture, rape AP, USA Today: A former U.S. general said graphic images of rape and torture are among the photos of Iraqi prisoner abuse that President Obama's administration does not want released. Retired Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, who oversaw the U.S. investigation into the abuses at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison, was quoted as telling Britain's Daily Telegraph in an article Wednesday that he agreed with Obama's decision not to release the pictures.
Students studying abroad face dangers with little oversight - Mary Beth Marklein, USA TODAY
Welcome to North Korea -- a backward and brainwashed nation

The 'new' Auden poems aren't poems at all: His newly uncovered translations of Soviet propaganda are interesting, but they are not poetry – Carol Rumens, Guardian
Top 10 Movies That Changed The World - Evan Andrews, Top Ten List: The prototypical propaganda film, Triumph Of The Will, is the prime example of the ways that art can be used for evil purposes. Ostensibly a documentary about the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremburg, Triumph Of The Will is in actuality a carefully constructed piece of propaganda designed to champion the ideology of Adolf Hitler.
13 May 2009: Opening Statement by Under Secretary-Designate Judith McHale Testifies before May 13 Senate Foreign Relations confirmation hearing – America.gov
"Girls embracing girls, girls embracing boys, boys embracing each other — the hug has become the favorite social greeting when teenagers meet or part these days. Teachers joke about 'one hour' and 'six hour' hugs, saying that students hug one another all day as if they were separated for the entire summer."
-- Sarah Kershaw, "For Teenagers, Hello Means ‘How About a Hug?’" New York Times
"Few places in Virginia are as draining to the soul and as numbing to the buttocks as the branch offices of the Department of Motor Vehicles. And yet, until recently, smiling was still permitted there. No more. As part of the DMV's effort to develop super-secure driver's licenses and foolproof identification cards, the agency has issued a smile ban, directing customers to adopt a 'neutral expression' in their portraits, thereby extinguishing whatever happiness comes with finally hearing one's number called."
--Nick Miroff, "As if It Needed to, Virginia Bans Smiles at the DMV," Washington Post
"In 1940, we had rivers on both coasts teeming with salmon; abalone steak was a basic dish in San Francisco; the New England fisheries were booming with cod and halibut. Maple trees covered the Northeast, and syruping time was as certain as the order of months on a calendar. Flying squirrels still leaped from conifer to hardwood in the forests of Appalachia, where they were eaten in stews."
--Mark Kurlansky, "A taste of America's past," Los Angeles Times
SOVIET PUBLICATION: "A GIRL AND UNCLE TOM [Сергей Михалков, «Девочка и дядя Том»]" (1968)

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