Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska image from
Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
Head of the Institutional Cooperation Unit, Department of Foreign Policy Strategy, Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs [entry contains a video slide presentation]
Today I am uploading a presentation with a clear marketing and PR angle. This one is devoted particularly to nation/national brands, where several examples are analyzed and where various benchmarks are taken into account. The biggest case study is Ukraine. A big number of my students were coming from this country, so I thought it would be quite interesting for them - and their peers, too - to analyze, how the complicated situation of UA is represented in various international studies and surveys. What all of my students, not only the Ukrainian ones, took away from these classes what the fact that no matter the "hard" statistics on infrastructure, corruption, governance etc., the biggest potential of UA lies in its people, especially the young ones - including/especially the ones like my students and that the future of tchem and their country depends on them.
Contents of the video:
Nation brands and the case study of ukraine
- 1. Nation brands and the case study of Ukraine Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska Course on Public Diplomacy 2017
- 2. Nations continue to shape and reshape their identities/to rebrand themselves, because their reality changes they need to project this real change symbolically to all the audiences with whom they relate They want, as far as they can, to align perception with reality For example: The Dutch East Indies became Indonesia, its capital Batavia became Jakarta, a new language, Bahasa Indonesia, was constructed. There is a need to build a national consensus around language, presumed ethnicity, religion (sometimes), culture, etc. Some countires have a long but interrupted history, like Georgia, while others, such as Tajikistan, have been carved out of the former imperium and therefore have difficulties in establishing legitimacy. Wally Olins Source: The New Public Diplomacy. Soft Power in International Relations. Edited by Jan Melissen, palgrave macmillan 2005. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 3. Brand export: Mercedes, Audi, BMW, VW are Germany and Germany is cars – it is: advantageous – everything connected with engineering and efficiency gets credit Siemens, Bosch, Braun, Miele Disadavantageous – other brands do not underline their German origins Jil Sander, Hugo Boss, Nivea, Allianz If the nation’s leadong brands are based around too narrow a sphere of activity, those flagship brands in the secotr may flourish, but the orher brands may find it more difficult Contradictory examples: Gucci and Ferrari come from Italy; Jaguar, Burberry and Scotch whisky come from Britain, France had Aribus, Dior and Hennessy. Wally Olins – three areas of the competition of the nations Source: The New Public Diplomacy. Soft Power in International Relations. Edited by Jan Melissen, palgrave macmillan 2005. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 4. Foreign direct investments, influeced by local legislation, tax breaks, regional funding, education level of employees, government attitues, transport infrastructure – but being fashinable as well Tourism – competition over tourists, but the danger of gettinhg large numbers of tourists that a countiry cannot effectively cope with and who spend very little money per head is visible Wally Olins – three areas of the competition of the nations Source: The New Public Diplomacy. Soft Power in International Relations. Edited by Jan Melissen, palgrave macmillan 2005. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 5. Launching and managing a national branding programme is inifinitely more complex, sohpisticated, difficult and long term than managing a similar activity for a commercial organization It takes years, and the pay-off is slow + not readily measurable/tangible Politicians like quick, measurable results that get them votes – that is one of the reasons why so many national branding programmes are taken up enthusiastically and then dropped. Wally Olins - summary Source: The New Public Diplomacy. Soft Power in International Relations. Edited by Jan Melissen, palgrave macmillan 2005. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 6. Nation Brand hexagon Source: http://www.superbrands.com/turkeys b/trcopy/files/Anholt_3939.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 7. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska The Nation Brand Index - Influencers http://nation-brands.gfk.com/ State/national brands
- 8. There were changes – everyone loses Source: http://placebrandobserver.com/results- anholt-gfk-nation-brands-index-2016/ Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 9. Brand Finance – Nation Brands 2016 Source: http://brandfinance.com/images/upload/nation_brands_20 16_report.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 10. Brand Finance – Nation Brands 2016 Source: http://brandfinance.com/images/up load/nation_brands_2016_report.p df Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 11. The best and the worst performing nation brands Source: http://brandfinance.com/images/upload/nation_brands_20 16_report.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 12. The strongest national brands Source: http://brandfinance.com/image s/upload/nation_brands_2016_ report.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 13. Country Brand Index 2014-2015 (Future Brand) Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 14. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 15. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 16. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 17. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 18. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 19. Examples Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 20. Ones to watch Source: http://www.futurebrand.com/uploads/CBI- 14_15-LR.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 21. Ukraine Source: http://bunews.com.ua/investment/item/brand- ukraine-annual-rating-places-ukraine-among-best- performing-nation-brands http://brandfinance.com/images/upload/nation_bran ds_2016_report.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 22. Ukraine – Global Competitiveness Index Source: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2016- 2017/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport20 16-2017_FINAL.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 23. Ukraine – Global Competitiveness Index Source: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2016- 2017/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport20 16-2017_FINAL.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 24. Ukraine Source: http://www.transparency.org/ news/feature/europe_and_ce ntral_asia_an_overall_stagnati on Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 25. Ukraine in Country Risk Report 2017 Source: Ukraine Country Risk Report - Q2 2017 BMI Risk Reports; London. (Second Quarter 2017). Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 26. Ukraine in the Index of Economic Freedom Source: http://www.heritage.org/index/ pdf/2017/book/index_2017.pdf Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 27. Ukraine in Freedom Index Source: https://freedomhou se.org/report/freedo m- world/2017/ukraine Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 28. Ukraine in Fragile States Index Source: http://fundforpeace.org/fsi/country-data/ Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 29. Ukraine in Fragile States Index Source: http://fundforpeace.org/fsi/country-data/ Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 30. Ukraine in Global Innovation Index Source: https://www.globalinnovationind ex.org/gii-2016-report# Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 31. Ukraine in Global Innovation Index Source: https://www.globalinnovationind ex.org/gii-2016-report# Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 32. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska Ukraine in Human Development Report 2016 Source: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2016_hum an_development_report.pdf
- 33. Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska Ukraine in Human Development Report 2016 Source: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2016_hum an_development_report.pdf
- 34. Which country has the best and the most stable brand? Why – and will this change? Which country has the worst nation brand? Why – and will this change? What kind of a role does the national identity play in forming the nation brand? How can a nation brand contribute to security of a nation/country? Which fields play a role in nation branding? What is more important: politics or economy? politics or people-to- people contacts? What role do the international rankings play? Do political leaders care about them? Should they or should they not? In which fields should Ukraine and your respective countries work harder and harder to improve their international images? Questions to students Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
- 35. Thank you very much for your attention! Let’s stay in touch: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katarzyn a-rybka-iwa%C5%84ska-08856b133/ Katarzyna Rybka-Iwańska
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