Monday, August 28, 2017

Put Tillerson out of his misery, Mr. President — just fire him

Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

image from

Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, widely derided as the weakest secretary of state in recent memory, has only highlighted his marginal status in the administration. His slow-motion reorganization of the State Department, refusal to rebuff the president’s demands for enormous cuts to his budget, failure to reach beyond his close-knit staff, derogatory remarks about human rights, lack of a close rapport with the president and weak press/public diplomacy skills have left knowledgeable foreign policy types scratching their heads as to what Condoleezza Rice [JB -on Rice, see], Robert Gates and Stephen Hadley could possibly have seen in Tillerson so as to recommend him for the job. (Hint: Follow the money.) ...

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