Friday, November 20, 2015

The most enlightened place on earth

Adi Rubinst,

image from

Raphael Schutz, one of the highest-ranking Israeli Foreign Ministry officials, currently serves as the Israeli ambassador to Norway. His appointment -- sending such a key diplomat to such a small country -- certainly raised some eyebrows.
"Of course, the ultimate objective is to cultivate business relations with the Norwegians, but initially we need to make sure that there are regular flights between Israel and Norway, for example," he said.
"Secondly, mainstream Norwegian media has an anti-Israel bias so we engage in constant public diplomacy.
"Recently, a cartoon was published here comparing us [Israel] to apartheid and to Nazi rule. But afterward they apologized. I am in contact with the media every day here on issues having to do with Israel's image in Norway. Most Norwegians obviously feed off the media, but on the diplomatic level things are very different than they are portrayed in the media. They want to engage as much as possible with us in the business arena."

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