I grew up with the belief America has a special (marketing) message for the world. I believe that the promise of the American Dream has been the most effective informational tool America has wielded on the international scene. There are many scholars who consider the "American Brand" or "Brand America" to be our most important brand in America. (Not Budweiser, McDonalds or Coke -- these all fall under an "umbrella" of the 'American Flag' family of brands).
Without a doubt, Trump is almost running on a platform which is the opposite of the US National Strategic Communications Strategy -- where for example the document states:
Demonstrate respect. The most comprehensive survey we have conducted shows the number one thing the United States can do to improve public perception of our country is to demonstrate respect for other countries’ culture and contributions; this is especially true in many Islamic countries. United States officials can demonstrate respect by: visiting important historic and cultural sites during foreign travel; actively scheduling “listening” events and opportunities to interact with foreign publics and listen to their point of view; planning events that demonstrate respect for different cultural and faith traditions; inviting respected local authors, historians, poets, musicians, etc to appear at USG sponsored events; and attending important cultural and historical events in other countries. Use humility. The history of our own country is one of constantly striving and many times failing to live up to our own noble values. Our society is not perfect, and we should not be afraid to admit that we face many challenges and struggle to live up to our own ideals.
Use caution when dealing with faith issues in the public square. Government officials should be extremely cautious and if possible, avoid using religious language, because it can mean different things and is easily misconstrued. The extremists are murderers who pervert religion, members of a cult that promotes death and destruction rather than legitimate practitioners of any faith. When it is necessary to make a point that involves Islam, for instance, quote Muslim voices themselves. Also, avoid characterizing people of any faith as “moderate” – this is a political word which, when extended to the world of faith, can imply these individuals are less than devout and faithful. The terms “mainstream” or “majority” are preferable.
Finally, avoid phrases such as the “Muslim community” that imply it is monolithic; Muslim communities, like other faith communities, are diverse. Create platforms where divergent ideas are encouraged and freely and openly debated.
Support conferences sponsored by think tanks and foundations and intellectual publications that foster debates. Seek to empower/highlight Muslim voices that speak out against terror and violence, even when they do not agree with every aspect of U.S. foreign policy.
• As a diverse, multi-cultural nation founded by immigrants, America includes and respects people of different nations, cultures and faiths.
• America seeks to be a partner for progress, prosperity and peace.
• The American government wants to work in partnership with nations and peoples across the world in ways that result in a better life for all the world’s citizens.
• Because we believe all people are equal and equally valuable, we believe people everywhere should be free to speak their mind, to participate in their government, to worship as their conscience dictates, to assemble freely and to pursue opportunity, economic, political and creative.
• While we do not expect every country to shape its government like that of the United States, we believe that citizens should be able to participate in choosing their governments and that those governments should be accountable to their citizens. We believe all people want to live in societies that are just, governed by the rule of law, and not corrupt.
• We believe in universal education, with equal opportunity to learn for girls as well as boys.
• We believe in open markets and free trade to foster economic opportunity so all people have the ability to have productive jobs and provide for their families.
Clearly there is a major disconnect between Trump's resilient domestic message and that of the message which America presents about herself to the world. Does Trump's assumption of the mantle of (partial) brand ambassador for the USA damage our reputation on the international scene? What is the downstream effect on business? We all know that a brand takes a long time to build but can nearly be destroyed overnight (Audi's "truth in engineering" anyone?)
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