Thursday, May 11, 2017

2017 International Cultural Engagement/Cultural Exchange Survey

2017 International Cultural Engagement/Cultural Exchange Survey

Thank you for your willingness to participate in a survey designed to gather information on the ability of arts and cultural organizations and individuals, in a professional capacity, to engage in international cultural engagement/exchanges programming. For the purpose of this survey, the term "international cultural engagement/exchanges programming" is used inclusively for international arts and cultural activities (including mobility and touring) that may be classified as cultural exchange, cultural diplomacy or cultural relations. 
This survey builds on a previous survey fielded in the US in 2008 and is conducted by Aimee Fullman (University of Westminster, London, UK) and Dr. Carla Figueira (Goldsmiths University of London). There are ten required multiple choice questions, with eighteen optional questions about specific programming, capacity, audiences, the use of technology, challenges, evaluation and lessons learned. It is estimated that this survey will take about a half an hour for those that have participated in these types of initiatives. You should have the option to save and complete in more than one session. All participants will receive an overview of the final results.
Deadline: 24 May 2017

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