Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ken Agyapong: The vulgar politics of exposed genitals & bad-mouthing - Part 4

Kwarteng, Francis, [For the author's other articles on the below subject, see. ]

Image from, under the headline: "Who wins? Kennedy Agyepong vs Afia Schwarzenegger: brings you another hilarious piece on the feud between Kennedy Agyepong and Afia Schwarzenegger"

Excerpt [article contains other references to public diplomacy]:
Ken [see] calls Afia [see] a “prostitute.” Afia returns Ken’s verbal fire, calling him a “pedophile” among other unprintable labels, and his mother a “prostitute.” Did Ken’s mother give birth to him through the holy gift of prostitution? We do not know the answer for sure. But then again did both “prostitutes,” Ken’s mother and Afia, ply their midnight trade along the same routes? Again, we do not know except to borrow their demeaning descriptive label of “prostitute” for our narrative convenience.
What we do rather know for certain is that Ghanaian journalism, represented by Afia’s foul bed-wetting and philandering tongue, and Ghanaian politics, symbolized by Ken’s unrefined bed-wetting psychological landscape and philandering fangs, are irrational agents of dirty journalism and dirty politics respectively. ...
Both Ken and Afia should turn over a new leaf. And both should dedicate their time to sanitizing the airwaves. Otherwise, let them live in their mad glass houses and continue to throw fecal stones at themselves and the public ... . Well, the public can and should forgive them if they genuinely regret their crass actions and agree to commit to the civilizational doctrine of public diplomacy and self-respect. To err is human, they say, but to forgive is divine.

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